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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

As a new member of the Wizarding World and a so-called “Potterhead”, I thought it might be fitting to rank all of Harry Potter movies! I must have been hidden under a rock because this series is possibly the best I’ve ever seen. If you haven’t gotten to know Hogwarts, you better make some time. 

Here is my ranking of the Harry Potter movies from the greatest to the not so greats:

1.Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

This might be a surprising first choice, but honestly, this one has to be my all-time favorite. It had such a fun and crazy plot. Not to mention a whole bunch of Cedric Diggory too! 

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

This movie comes in second place for obvious reasons! It was so good… aside from some of the best characters dying like Fred Weasley. On the plus side, Bellatrix and Voldemort were gone for good.

3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 

Some would say this one is boring at times, but I thought it was so cute and it was the perfect introduction to the Harry Potter series! 

4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 

This one was so interesting and I thought it was so great! I personally liked how Harry had to defeat the Basilisk, it was so so good! 

5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 

Umbridge is the main reason why this movie is in the number five spot, but the most extremely heartbreaking part was that Sirius Black died. It’s just not fair. 

6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 

Okay, I know this movie was leading up to the big ending, but honestly, I found it to be moving slowly and a bit boring. Some parts were a little weird to me like when Ron left Hermione and Harry… I could not believe he did that. Also, I was so sad to see that Dobby had died because he was one of my favorites! And don’t get me started on the cliffhanger to part 2. 

7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 

There is no way this movie could be a favorite. First of all, Dumbledore died and we discovered that Draco was now a member of the Death Eaters! 

8. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 

This Harry Potter movie has to be the worst of them all. I did not like the film style and it was just a completely different vibe from all of the others. It felt too spooky and wholly out of place to me. On the positive side, it was awesome to see Harry meeting some of his parents’ good friends!

I think it’s safe to say I have become an ultimate Harry Potter fan and am completely obsessed with every part of it. Even if you don’t think you will be a Potterhead, I recommended that everyone try to watch the movies, or if you are a book reader, read the book series! I am just starting to read the books, so I will be back with a book rating sometime soon! 

I’m a Junior at GCU working towards my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. I love learning new things and being creative 24/7. A few of my hobbies are running my small business, singing, dancing (badly), playing with my pup and enjoying the amazing people I surround myself with!