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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

Friendsgiving has quickly become a popular tradition over the years. It is a time to celebrate with friends while eating food, sharing memories, and creating new ones. While away from home, you have had the chance to build new connections and make lifelong friends. Friendsgiving is a way to celebrate with your second family in your second home. As college students, you may think it is hard to have a Friendsgiving while living in a dorm, and while it is not an ideal situation it is possible. So, here are some awesome tips to help you and your friends have a fun Friendsgiving.

Tip #1 – Make a list

Making a list of the friends who will join you can be handy when trying to see how much food to buy or make for them. Once you have the list of friends joining, it will be easier to decide and write down what everyone will bring. Friendsgiving works best when everyone pitches in and contributes to the dinner, and everything will work best once everyone claims a dish they will be bringing.

Tip # 2 – Pick a location

Even though you live in a dorm, dinner doesn’t have to be held there. Whether it is outdoors or indoors, there can be many different locations to have your Friendsgiving. If you plan to hold your Friendsgiving outside, try to look around your area for a nice park. You can set up a table and chairs where your friends can sit, or even a picnic blanket. It will also provide entertainment (come on, you’re never too old to go on the swings)! If outdoors isn’t your thing, there are still other places you can go. If your dorm hall has lounge rooms, that could be an option, or there is always the option of having it in your dorm. Dollar Tree can help with festive decorations.

Tip # 3 – Getting the food

Since you live in a dorm, it is safe to assume you don’t have easy access to a kitchen. The good news is there are other foods you can make for your Friendsgiving. Even store-bought or microwaved foods will work! You don’t need to have the traditional Thanksgiving foods to have a successful Friendsgiving. At Friendsgiving, you can bring whatever you’d like. A pre-roasted chicken from the store is a good replacement for the turkey. For the sides, finding mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, pasta, or whatever else you like can be easy. Food can be bought ready to eat, or you can browse through the frozen sections at the store to find what can be thrown in the microwave to help bring this Friendsgiving together.

Tip # 4 – The entertainment

After all the eating you will do, it will be time to sit back and relax with friends. You can put on a fall film and have a movie night, or you can go right into the video games or board games and have a fun-filled game night. There are many things you can do to end the night right. Night drives have been known to be the best thing to do with friends. Going to the park to chill and play around as if you were kids again could bring back some memories of the school playground. Making fun memories while celebrating a holiday with friends is what this season is all about.

Hi everyone! I’m Alejandra! I’m currently a third year college student at GCU and I’m a double major in Professional Writing and Marketing. I hope you enjoy my articles.