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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

How to be Happy in Your Singleness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. – George R.R. Martin 

How to be Happy in Your Singleness 

Being single can be difficult at times, especially if you have been single for a long period of time. Sometimes it is hard to see the good in being single, but there are so many reasons to be happy, and there is a purpose for that time of life. It can be really hard being single in the month of February because of valentine’s day, but there are a lot of reasons to be happy to be single during Valentine’s day or any day. 

•    Make Jesus the center of your life God always has a plan for your life. He has a reason for putting you in this state of singleness at this time. Remember to look to him during this time, find your joy in the Lord and worship him in all circumstances. Understand that God is always there for you, and you can always turn to Him whenever you need Him. He has a reason you are single, and He is preparing you to be the best person you can be in a relationship. 

•    Stop asking the what ifs Do not ask yourself the scary questions that get inside your head. Do not ask the what if’s. What if I don’t find the right guy? What if I don’t get married? What if I marry the wrong guy? These are all questions that make being single so much worse. They are not relevant questions to be asking yourself because you will find someone and you will find the right person, it just takes time. Do not waste your time on people with whom you know it will not work out. If you want to get married someday, and you are with someone that you cannot see a future with, then why are you with them? Do not waste your time. During this time, the man who you are meant to be with is also growing into the man he is meant to be, and becoming the best version of himself for you and your future relationship. He is growing to become the man you will want to marry and the father you will want your kids to have. 

•    Find who you are Use your time being single to find your purpose, learn more about who you are. Experience new things and grow from those experiences. Find your own happiness while you are single, find what makes you happy as an individual before you try to make others happy. You do not have to do things for other people to try to please them, you can do what you love, and focus on yourself and continue to grow to be the best version of yourself you can be. 

•    Cherish your friendships and other relationships you have Do not take the people you already have in your life for granted, take time to show them how much you appreciate them. Focus on your current relationships and continue to grow those relationships. Your current relationships are so important, and the more those relationships continue to grow, the longer they will last. 

Remember to stay true to yourself. Do not put all of your focus and energy into finding the wrong person. Find who you are and the right person will come at the right time. God has a plan for your life. It may be upsetting right now, but in the end, you will understand and be thankful for waiting for the right person for you. 

I am a Junior and an English with an Emphasis in Professional Writing major with a minor in Business at Grand Canyon University. I write to inspire and spread positivity to others. I love spending my time in coffee shops, writing and drinking coffee. Im just a simple girl trying to figure out life, give my best advice and share my experiences along the way.