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Going Through a Break up with Someone you Never Dated

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

Realizing it’s over

During the talking phase, it is likely that you will get attached to your situationship and will try to move it to an exclusive, committed relationship. However, this is not always the case, because chances are he may not feel the same way about you that you feel about him. Because of the inexclusive nature of the situationship, he may be getting closer to someone else, or he could just be emotionally incapable of handling the type of relationship that you want and deserve. This can hurt a lot, especially if it was someone that you saw a real future with, or if you had something more than what could have been summed up as an intense friendship. The initial realization is a tough thing to face. This can lead to you feeling hurt or betrayed or cause you to be in denial of the situation because you want to believe what you felt was shared. While it may not have been a mutual breakup, or even an actual break-up, the feelings that you can face are similar and almost equally as painful to deal with.

Emotional toll

The emotions you face when getting over a situationship breakup are overwhelming and difficult to experience. It is very likely that you will be confused over how you feel, because since you were not together, how can you break up? You need to know that your feelings for that person are real, and they are valid. It makes sense to be upset over the situation because your care was unreciprocated. It’s normal to be disappointed by your feelings being unreciprocated. It’s a hard thing to accept, but you need to realize that the person you were consistently talking to is no longer someone you can communicate with in the same way. Being sad about the situation is understandable, and it’s good to allow yourself to feel what you need to feel about it. Even though you were not together, you did lose a relationship, it just may not be the one most people are familiar with. Take the time you need to heal, and let yourself feel what you need in order to move on.

Moving on

The final step in breaking up with your situationship is moving on. This step can be difficult because you may not know how to communicate with that person moving forward. When things feel very one-sided and the pain feels like it is all on you, it is hard to take a step away from the situation and that person. You may feel like you are being unreasonable or confusing, but taking care of yourself is more important than pleasing someone who couldn’t give you the relationship you deserve. Taking time away from this person may be necessary, and even though it hurts you need to do what is best for you. It is important to know that you deserve someone who makes themselves and their intentions clear, and ultimately clearly states what they want rather than leading you on for months and leaving you wondering how you are going to be treated when you see them. You deserve someone who knows that they want you, and are willing to care for you in the way that you need. Take care of yourself, and let yourself grow from this experience, remembering that it will get better.

Hi! My name is Makenna, and I am the GCU Her Campus correspondent. I am a senior majoring in business management, and I am from Arizona! I love reading, writing, and being a part of Her Campus GCU!