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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

YouTube is a big social media influence and has been for decades. There are so many creators that inspired us to game, craft, blog, and so much more. Personally, YouTube has been such a big part of finding different ideas and people to connect with for me. Compared to TikTok and Instagram, YouTube is a much more personal platform where people are not just scrolling but actively engaging with the videos. I often sit and watch the videos to gain some understanding or feeling from them. That is not to say people can’t gain feelings from TikTok or Instagram, but for me it has felt more personal and intimate on YouTube with creators. If you are in a funk or just want to look into different creators on YouTube that blog about lifestyle content, then this is for you!

Meredith Good

Meredith’s vlogs mostly consist of traveling and DITLs, however, her positive vibes and creative ideas keep me coming back. One, she started her own clothing line inspired by her interactions with her followers; she invited her followers to send her ‘love letters.’ They don’t actually have to be love letters, as it’s more of the idea of sending her letters that will evoke emotion and connection with her followers. Honestly, the idea sounded crazy and so sweet, and it also made me think about how a lot of us don’t write letters to each other anymore. She promises that she reads all of the ones she receives as well, and sometimes writes back. This honestly makes me want to write to her just to see if she would write back.

Tilly Joan

Tilly recently started posting more actively on YouTube; but, I discovered her on TikTok and have been obsessed with her content since. She is a college student in Utah who grew up in the Mormon church; she mostly posts about makeup and lifestyle content. She is so different from others because of her videos’ spark of energy and goofiness. I feel she is just very relatable and honest about what she experiences as a young adult while putting herself out on social media in such a confident and real way that it makes me want to be more confident as well.

Zyah Angela

Zyah is my comfort creator; she is so sweet and likes to ask her community questions to learn their thoughts on the books she is reading or things going on at the moment. I like that a lot of her blogs are quieter and more aesthetically pleasing because they feel much more breathable than other fast-paced blogs. Also, I am not a dog person at all, but her little pug is so cute! He is always running around in the background, and it is so sweet that her schedule revolves around him and what he needs.

Alia zaita

I’ve been following Alia for a while and she and her partner are so lovely; I aspire to have a relationship like them because they are so close and honest with each other. Most of her content centers around food, travel, and lifestyle content, and I like that her videos are longer than most; around 20-30 minutes. It makes it feel like I’m living the whole day with her. When I was living on campus over the summer last year, I loved watching her blogs because her food content inspired me to improve my cooking and baking that semester.

Ur mom Ashley

I’ve loved Ur Mom Ashley for so long because she is so genuine and sweet on camera. She has vlogged her life through high school and is now living in NYE with her boyfriend and her family. I love that she has shown creative recipes and ideas as a vegan and explored different content ideas, such as trying different matchas in LA or blindfold baking with her siblings.

Hi, I’m Kayleigh! I from Mesa, AZ and studying communications at GCU! I love to read and enjoy going to the farmer's market on the weekends! I love my four cats and obsessively drink coffee, matcha, and Dr. Pepper. I like to travel when I can and try new things!