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Beyoncé Lyrics to Motivate You This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.
  1. “Stop Interrupting My Grindin’” -Sorry


Sure, when Beyoncé said this she was talking to her cheating husband. But this can apply to many things! It’s almost the end of the semester, think about what’s stopping you from achieving your goals. Maybe its distractions like your phone, or even yourself. Don’t let anything stop you from grinding. Keep working hard, the end of the semester is nearing!


  1. “Stars in Her Eyes, She Fights and She Sweats Those Sleepless Nights. But She Don’t Mind, She Loves the Grind”- Six Inch Heels


We may not always love the grind, sometimes it can be completely exhausting. But it is essential to reaching our goals. We may be fighting and staying up late now, juggling assignments, work, extracurriculars, and other responsibilities, but stay hopeful. Remember how excited you once were to get accepted into college and started a new chapter. Keep those “stars in your eyes”. Think about the future. You got this! It will all be worth it in the end.


  1. “Only Way to Go is Up, Skin Thick, Too Tough”- Love Drought


Studying and assignments may be rough, but things will get better. The future is full of positive and great possibilities. You may be feeling overwhelmed and panicked with finals and projects, but remember you are tougher and stronger than you think. We just have to stick it through.


  1. “Your Destiny is Comin’ Close. Stand Up and Fight” -Spirit


You’re so close! The semester is almost over, and you will be one step closer to graduating. Graduating college is an achievement we have been working for since we were children. Stay focused and on task! Fight for your destiny. Don’t let anything stop you now.


  1. “Don’t Stop Running Until It’s Finished. It’s Up to You, the Rest is Unwritten”- Schoolin’ Life


A lot of these quotes are about being persistent and persevering. It is important to do your best to stay motivated and positive. You are in charge of your own life, and only you know the right path for yourself. Who knows what the future will hold, focus on what you can achieve now, but never give up on your dreams.


  1. “Always Stay Gracious, Best Revenge is Your Paper”- Formation


In this case, our paper is our degree or many in the future of our money. The best way to get back at those who told you, you couldn’t do it, is not to be mean and hateful, but to succeed. Build yourself up rather than tear others down. Get that degree! Prove it to others, and more importantly to yourself that you are capable of. Hard work pays off, and remember for the future, the “best revenge is your paper”.


  1. “I’m Repping for the Girls Who Taking Over the World. Help Me Raise a Glass for the College Grad”- Run the World (Girls)


Beyoncé’s Run the World (Girls), is an empowering and fun song dedicated to uplifting women. Graduating from college is a major achievement! Your education is something no one can take away from you. We are powerful, independent, and intelligent. Remember to stay on task, but also take some time to rest. Maybe listen to a couple of these Beyoncé songs :)

Hey! My name is Lauren. I am a communications major at Grand Canyon University. I just want to enjoy life and travel.
A sophomore Communications major at GCU who is passionate about Jesus, writing, watching Netflix, and taking long walks to the campus Chick-Fil-A.