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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

The Story

In Ancient Persia, under the rule of King Xerxes, women did not hold the same level of respect as men. The Persian King carried a ruthless reign, sweeping across the dry lands of Babylon, to the deserts of Nubia. Out of the 400 women selected to be queen, Xerxes’ eyes immediately fell on the soft, radiant beauty of Esther. A humble woman of Jewish descent, Esther never could have imagined facing the King as the new Queen of Persia. She endured 12 whole months of beauty treatments, all while watching her people suffer throughout the city. Esther was on a mission, and at first, she doubted any possibility of success. But for such a time as this, she was brought here for a purpose.

At the time, it was outright treason and punishable by death to approach King Xerxes without being summoned. Esther bravely defied this order. Knowing the plot of the King’s recently promoted second-in-command, Haman the Agagite, Esther could no longer watch her people suffer. Haman had a deep hatred for the Jewish people, and sought to oppress them.

As Esther bows before the king, all eyes gaze upon her. Her beauty was beyond stunning to all members of the palace, and yet, she solely focused on the startled eyes of the King. She may have trembled with fear or stood tall with pride; it is historically unknown how she felt. However, favor glistened in the King’s eyes. He was willing to give her anything she wanted, despite her breaking the law by entering his presence.

Esther exposes Haman’s plan, sending the King into a furious rage against his second-in-command. Haman was immediately sentenced to execution, and Esther not only saved her people but went on to become one of the most prominent heroines in history.

The Lesson

In every moment of bravery, one awaits the response. Is it anger? Is it judgment? Will they think you solely want attention, or that you will never attain such a goal? One may find themselves slowly approaching the stage, their heart pounding out of their chest. Another may look upon the eyes of their friend, wondering if asking for “space” was truly a good decision. Another looks up at their parents, earnestly waiting for their response to the event that has affected them for years. They had no idea.

But truly, what is bravery without fear? Whether you are presenting a proposal in class, or have been chosen to speak at a ceremony, you have chosen to step forward and lead. You may not be in a sumptuous palace, or have the coveted, glistening white Range Rover like other influencers may have. You may not have gone through 12 extensive months of beauty treatments, (and to think of how exhausting that would be!). No matter what you have conquered and endured, you are the Esther of your own story. 

Maybe you do not think that you are ready to be bold, or you do not know when the right time will truly come, or if it will ever come at all. But what you have and what you do not does not define you, your worth, or your boldness.

There are many who may say, “Choose to be bold by being just like Esther. Be like the many heroes described throughout history.” But you do not need to be “just like them”. You, like Esther, have already chosen to be bold. You have chosen to be brave, even during the times when you no longer wanted to be. Use Esther as an example of such boldness and bravery, but remember that the bravery you exemplify and the boldness that you display does not solely come from inspiration by those you admire. It comes from within. 

It comes from you.

Hello! My name is Chloe Conrod. I am a Junior attaining a Bachelor's Degree in Business Information Systems, and my home is in the rainy, yet beautiful, Washington state. I love neutral-tones, taking notes in my Bible at coffee shops, and I aspire to write a book of my own someday. I am greatly inspired by author, Grace Valentine, where I feel called to spread God's love and His promises to us!