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5 Ways Arguing on Facebook Solves Everything

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.


1.     You Get to Tell Someone Off

You’ve had a rough day at work or school, you’re SO done with everyone, it’s Monday, and Aunt Cathy is just getting on your nerves with the recent headline and her reaction, and she’s had it coming for a while now, so why not unleash the fury of Hell on her, right?

2.     Bickering Solves the Problem

Name calling and close-mindedness virtually solves every problem, especially talking about the presidential election. Uncle Dave needed a swift reminder of his place in society anyways.

3.     Everything on the Internet Is Totally True

Because who needs to fact check unreliable news sources when you can just make some more people angry.

4.     Everyone is Sick of Seeing Those Cooking Videos Anyways

Who needs cute videos of puppies and old people, when we can have a nice classic debate, full of facts you probably just googled to prove your point.

5.     Ruining Someone’s Self-Esteem and Crushing Their Dreams Is Your Life Mission

This person is a friend of a friend- a very, very ignorant friend- so it doesn’t really count as ruining a friendship if you argue so hard your thumbs get cramped, and plus, you get lots of likes from the friends of the person you’re arguing with who agree that they are a complete idiot and total jerk.


But seriously guys, what is social media going to do about it?