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What Your Nail Polish Says about You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Everyone loves to “express themselves” through her nail polish choice. But what is it you’re really saying with that color?

Jet Black: You’re edgy (or want to be) and like to think that you’re mysterious and misunderstood, or maybe you’re just too lazy to change your nail polish to match your outfit. You can be found drinking Chai lattes and reading existential poetry on a bench amidst the fall leaves.

Navy Blue: you want to be edgy and mysterious, but you’re not fully committed. You have a softer side that you only let your close friends see, but you want to seem tough enough to not be taken advantage of. You may be that loner in the back of the class whose face still lights up when someone comes to talk to you.

“All That Glitters” Gold: You’re classy and bold, but you were born in the wrong era. You aren’t overbearing, but you speak your mind freely. You like raiding your mother’s closet for great 80s hand-me-downs, but you can always pull off your look.

Paisley Purple: You still believe in fairy tales and desperately wish you are the lost princess of a distant land. You are often found singing in the hallways, hoping to catch the attention of your one true love, or maybe you’re just reading young adult fantasy in an armchair.

Electric blue: You’re the life of any party, because you know how to make anyone feel comfortable. You don’t like being left alone or feeling like no one can hear you. You’re often surrounded by a flock of friends (especially cute boys) who look to you for a fun time.

Kelly Green: You’re the “girl next door.”  You’re sweet and pretty in an Emma Watson kind of way. People recognize you all the time, even if you haven’t seen them in years. You like to write songs on your guitar and flip through your crush’s facebook photos when you’re bored.

Tiffany Box Blue: You are up-to-date on current fashion, and you don’t care if you look like the rest of the crowd, as long as you’re the best dressed one. You like to think of yourself as a photographer, but you really just use Instagram too much. You spend hours on Pintrest planning your next shopping trip, your dream wedding and the house you can never afford.

Bright Canary Yellow: You are bubbly and happy-go-lucky. You don’t care what other people say or think about you, and your blind optimism can get you through any situation. Your future career will most likely be a motivational speaker or a high school counselor. Lucky for your future fans, you love to host signings of your successful self-help book.

Bubble Gum Pink: You are gentle and feminine: a girly girl. You wouldn’t hurt a fly, but you’re likely to shriek when you see a spider. You have lots of gentlemen suitors (mostly because you’re a flirt), but don’t forget that you are an independent woman, and that none of these men will make you who you are.

Fire Truck Red: You either think you are an adult, or you are a diva. You never underestimate your potential as a woman to be both sexy and powerful. You always walk with your shoulders back, and you look everyone straight in the eye. You are fearless and proud of it.

Snow White: You like to think you’re original, but when you get together with your group of friends, you all seem to blend into one person. You like the idea of being different and special, but the practicality of it eludes you.

Sparkly Sequins: You dream of the glamorous life. You just know that one day, you will be a hit on Broadway, between promoting your best-selling novel and starring in the movie adaptation. You like to hang out in places you can imagine famous people frequent. You know where your life is heading, despite the fact your voice coach keeps bugging you to practice more.

None/clear: You’re practical and don’t like to waste your time fussing with something that’s not going to last. You have a great sense of focus, and you don’t think your external appearance should determine your internal value. You’re out living your life instead of preparing for it endlessly.

Neon (orange especially): You have bad taste. Buy new nail polish, please.