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A Summer Affair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Cold weather has arrived, and of course, you want to look as cute as you always do throughout the year. There’s just one little problem. Maybe you have very few items that will keep you warm in the chilly weather, but you have enough summer outfits to fill up the junior’s section of a department store. Don’t stress about it. Plenty of summer pieces can be layered with your fall and winter clothes to create a chic and toasty look.

Shorts and Mini Skirts

Most girls in college own an abundance of tiny shorts. They’re good for being flirty and staying cool in the summer, but you don’t have to give them up once fall rolls around. Shorts and short skirts look great over tights and the look is very much on trend. For added warmth, slip on some high-socks and boots and you’ll be good to go.


You’re probably used to giving these up until spring comes around again.  They’re short, made with thin fabric, and they have spaghetti straps or short sleeves. You can still make it work though by adding a few pieces. Take a warm knit sweater and pull it over the dress. Slip on some tights and some warm shoes to complete the look.

Flimsy Intricate Tank-tops

You see these all over the stores these days. Some have ornate patterns and are gauzy or lacey. They are usually sheer. These gorgeous tops are well, just gorgeous. They don’t have much practicality once the temperature starts dropping. The good thing is that you can take a plain long sleeve shirt and put the tank top over it. It gives you a way to spice up a plain shirt, while not freezing your arms off.

Crop tops

This one is tricky, but I’ve worked it out a few times. If it’s a tank top, it can look cute over a long sleeve tee. Otherwise, it can be paired with high-waisted pants (or skirt) if it’s high enough to fit right below the shirt and the shirt is long enough to fit right above the bottoms. Now this seems completely pointless, but if you’re interested in showing a sliver of tummy or you just can’t get enough of the high-waisted trend, then give it a shot. I can’t promise that it will be the warmest outfit, but you’ll definitely look hot. Besides, Georgia’s indecisive weather will give you plenty of chances to get away with it.

So there you go. Get out there and wear summer clothes all year long!