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The Perfect Fall Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Oh yes, we are well into Fall. A season known for changing leaves from green to the magical colors of red, yellow and organge. Also known for cooler weather and Halloween. However, in the minds and hearts of most women at GC, Fall means so much more. I am not just talking about leggings, flannel and PSL (pumpkin spice lattes, if you didn’t already know). Fall means going to the fair, visiting a sunflower field, walking weather, boots, Deep Roots (holla) and entering the very early stages of the beloved holiday season. Now, I am sure most of you have already partaken in your fair share of activites, but you may not have completed your fall bucket list just yet.

Checkout our ideas for a great, fall themed weekend with friends or bae below!

After a week of studying, or some long shifts at work, Friday is the perfect day to stay in and cook a homecooked meal. Especially if you have been eating too many lean cuisines or have been stoping at Chic-Fil-A everyday this week.

Here is a recipe for a delicious, inexpensive (yes, even on a college budget) and quick meal to prepare. Perfect to go along with a night on the couch and watching Netflix.

For dinner: Pasta with Pumpkin and Sausage.

I mean, if your mouth is not watering you may have a problem. Also, this recipe is versatile. You can interchange the sausage for chicken or your favorite veggies for a vegetarian option. Thank you Rachael Ray for this awesome, quick cooking meal. I also suggest taking a peek around the Food Network websire for more Fall themed recipes for lunch, dinner and desert. There are so many to try and experiment with so get cooking! 

Here is the link to the recipe:



Now that you are rested from your night in on Friday. It is time to go outside and enjyoy some of the fresh, cool air and the beautiful sights that Georgia has to offer. If you want to stay intown, walking around downtown Milly never disappoints. You can go grab lunch at your favorite resturant and then head to The Oconee River Greenway for some outdoor fun. The Greenway offers trails, a dog park, and many places to hammock or throw your blanket down to relax. 


If you feel like going on an adventure instead of hanging in Milly, here is an option: go get your pumpkin fix on and feel like a little kid again at Washington Farms near Athens.

This place has pumpkins, hay rides, sunflowers AND a corn maze. They are open until November 1st, so you still have a couple of weeks to visit and enjoy.


Here is the link for more details on pricing and farm hours: 


Now, the Georgia National Fair in Perry, GA is coming to a close. So if you missed riding the ferris wheel or getting a giant corndog, you will have to wait until next year. Do not fear though, the annual Deep Roots festival in Milledgeville is happening on October 24th. This event features great live music, arts and crafts merchants, food vendors,and has plenty of activites to keep you occupied and having a ball. Admission is $6 prior to the festival and $8 at the door. If you want to know more about Deep Roots and all it has to offer, take a look at this link below.


Ah, the dreaded Sunday blues. You know you have a pile of homework or studying to do to prepare for the upcoming week. All you want to do though is sleep in and pretend you have a three-day weekend and check your email a hundred times for that one email from your teacher where the subject line reads “Monday- Class Canceled”. However, the slim and harsh reality is that 99% of the time, does not happen. So in order to get yourself in the homework and studying mood, go to Blackbird for a nice treat and a great space to do that homework assignment due Monday or study for your upcoming test. There are plenty of tables and free wifi. I recommend going downstairs to “The Nest” where there are very few distractions and people talking. Blackbird offers many coffee and non-coffee drink options and tasty snakcs/lunch food. You really cannot go wrong here. 

 So now you have some Fall themed activites to do on your weekend. Go out and enjoy this nice weather and spend it with those you love. Before you know it, winter will be rolling around the corner and pumpkin this turns into peppermint that and it will be way too cold to go on a hay ride or walk along the Oconee River. Happy Fall Y’all!

Three things: coffee, old music and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. I am a city girl with dreams of working within the advertising and marketing fields. When not working on homework or studying, I love to play intramurals, watch netflix and hangout with friends.  "Do your own thing on your own terms and get what you came here for" - Oliver James