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A Light on Campus: Christal Reincher

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Anybody who has met Christal Reincher knows it’s impossible to forget her. She is filled with a complete joy and can make you feel like you’re the only one in the room. Though she is hilarious on her own, it’s her distinctly unique laugh that will have you in stitches. Christal, a sophomore with a major in Pre-Nursing keeps herself involved with Sigma Alpha Omega, Campus Outreach, Wesley, and her roles as a Student Ambassador and CA. She brings a light to this campus that will bring a smile to even the worst of moods.

You’re a CA, what are some of the biggest struggles and successes you have faced?
As a CA I’ve had the best time getting to know my residents and build lasting relationships with them. Being able to interact with them every day is the highlight of my day because they are the most selfless and sweet freshman I have ever met! It has definitley just been hard having to say no to people and try to balance my campus activities and my major! 
Have you gotten more crafty since becoming a CA?
Pinterest is my best friend!!! You really find some neat and cheap ways to make cute door decorations or cute room decorating ideas! So yes! I would say that I am a mason jar using, string light hanging, DIY wooden headboard crafter now!!
Do you have a funny experience you can tell us about from a tour you led?  
The tours that I have been able to help with all have a very unique experience that attaches to each one of them. I cannot remember any specific things that might have happened, but I can tell you something cool that has happened! Recently I have been bumping into freshman that come up to me and say “Hey, Do you remember me?” and I of course give them the most surprised face and don’t remember them. But  many of them have been on some of the tours that I have helped with and they always tell me how I helped them choose Georgia College. I think that is the most rewarding thing anyone could say to me, it makes it all the worth while.
Georgia College was your first choice, what is your favorite thing about the school?
 I absolutely LOVE Georgia College and I truly chose the best university in the entire country. I love Georgia College because of the great community here and the small town feel. I live in a pretty urban area, so it’s nice to come to Georgia College and see a lot of green! Go Bobcats!

Finally, I have to ask, what is your all time favorite Disney Channel Show? 

My favorite Disney Channel show would ABSOLUTELY BE LIZZIE MCGUIRE!! Hands down a Hillary Duff fan! 

Lover of iced coffee and all things cheetah print. Just a city girl living in a small town college world.