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Kristin Keefer: Green Goddess

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Kristin Keefer

What is your year?



Environmental Science.



What is one of your favorite pastimes at GCSU?

Taking a run at Bartrum Forest.

Are you involved in any clubs or organizations?

Yes. Model UN, Tri Beta, and Composting Club.

What were your expectations of college coming in as a freshman? Have those expectations become reality?

Yeah, because I expected to be involved in organizations that revolve around my major, and that’s happened for the most part.

If you had to pick one outfit to wear for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Jeans and a flowy peasant blouse.

Describe the funniest thing that has happened to you so far at GCSU.

When I was in Kenya, we were eating at the carnivore restaurant, it’s all you can eat meat, and Jimmy, one of the guys, he at the most meat in the night, so they gave us a free serving of ox balls. It was hilarious. We didn’t know until the waiter told us.

Describe a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone.

Becoming co-chair of Green Fee. I had to lead faculty and students, so it was a big experience.

Name a class you’ve really enjoyed here and why.

Wetland Ecology. I really liked it because we’ve been able to do a lot of field work and I’ve enjoyed just the topic in general.

Describe the best experience you’ve had at GCSU?

Definitely study abroad when I went on a safari in Kenya. Best experience ever.

What’s the best advice you could give anyone on how to enjoy college?

Take a major you enjoy, find a good group of friends, and study your first few years because it matters a lot.


*Bonus: How do you feel about overalls?

I love overalls!!! I’m so glad they’re coming back!