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Katie Adcock: A Celebrity in the Making

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.


Katie Adcock is one of those students that everyone knows for all the right reasons: she’s involved, she’s a genuine person, and she’s held so many leadership positions that her resume is longer than most professional businessmen. She came to Georgia College right after high school and hasn’t wasted a minute since. I envy her ability to jump in with everything that she has in every part of her life.

I met up with Katie this past week to talk to her about some of the things that she’s been up to while she’s been a student here and as her former roommate I can say with complete confidence that I had no idea how much she had actually been up to.

Olivia: Katie, while you’ve been a student you’ve been a part of all kinds of organizations. What would you say has been some of your favorites?

Katie: I think that some of my favorites were being involved with SGA as Student Attorney General and working in the Student Affairs Office at the school. It has given me some really valuable insight into the college and the students in general. Working so closely with SGA gave me a lot of great leadership skills.

O: Accounting is a tough major. What advice do you have to kids starting off in that major? Or any major?

K: Don’t be afraid to do what you love. I wasn’t always an accounting major, but I can say for sure that I’ve never been happier. When I was a Music Therapy major for the first few years of college, I couldn’t see my future as clearly. I was even Vice President of the Music Therapy Society, but the leadership felt all wrong. Student Attorney General felt more natural for me and when I finally found the courage to make the switch I found myself so much happier. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.

O: So what’s next for you?

K: Originally I was going to graduate in May, but I applied for this great internship with Habif, Arogeti, and Wynne, which is an accounting firm in Atlanta, and I got it. It’s going to push my graduation by another semester, but the skills and experience I’m going to gain will be invaluable once I do graduate.

O: What do you believe will be your legacy here at GC once your gone?

K: I think that’s a lot for me to answer, but I hope that I leave behind a passion for leadership and being involved. Too many people come to college and don’t love it because they don’t immerse themselves completely.

A Creative Writing major with a passion for travel, reading, and 20th century book collecting. One day she hopes to be a great teacher and an even more fabulous mom.