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It is a Truth Universally Acknowledged that Victoriana Lord is a Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Year: Sophomore

Major: Managing Information Systems

Dream Job: Tori would love to be paid to sightsee and drink coffee in bistros across Great Britain. Realistically, however, she hopes to work in the Information Technology field.

Clubs and Organizations: Sigma Alpha Omega and SWAT. (Students With A Testimony [SWAT] is a ministry based in Athens, GA that uses college students to focus on discipling High School and Middle School students)

Hobbies: Reading, drinking coffee, eating, photography, crafting, and watching movies.

Biggest Inspiration: Tori counts her family as her biggest inspiration because they encourage her in everything she does.

What Jane Austen Character do You Wish You Could be and What Austen Novel do You Relate to the Most?: Tori says she would love to be Elizabeth Bennet or Anne Elliot. She says that: “Elizabeth is all strength, wit, and charm, while Anne portrays a quiet confidence and feminine grace. Both women are able to look inwardly and see that they have room for personal growth as well, which shows humility. I hope to have all of those qualities.” As for the Austen novel that she relates to the most she chose Pride and Prejudice. Tori says that she chos this novel “not only because I have a soft spot for it, it was the first Austen novel I read, but also because of the personal journey that Elizabeth Bennet takes. She slowly becomes more attuned to the thoughts and feelings of people around her, beyond a bad first impression, and how her responses can cause anger or peace. I believe that is an important realization for everyone.”

Five Things You Couldn’t Live Without: Her faith, coffee (dark roast), books, music that is truly moving, and some means of travel.

Favorite Memory at GCSU: Her first Wesley service because she immediately felt at home and at peace with everything about the ministry, and because through it she has forged many friendships.

Favorite Personal Aspect: Her sense of humor.

Something You Want Others to Know About You: Tori wants people to know that she is an empathetic and grace-driven person. She also says that “listening to people and speaking grace and exhortation are very much a part of who I am.”

The Lasting Impression You Hope to Leave on Others: In her own words, “I hope I am able to show others how fulfilling it is to extend grace to those around them, and how wonderful it is to choose to be humorous and lively rather than dull.”