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Feliscia Parrish: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Bright

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

What is your year?



Early Childhood



What is one of your favorite pastimes at GCSU?

Can the pastime be singing in my room? Haha.

Are you involved in any clubs or organizations?

The Honors Program

What were your expectations of college coming in as a freshman? Have those expectations become reality?

I thought it would be a lot like high school, but there’s actually a lot more free time (well, until you’re a senior). I also expected that the course would be the same but I took physics here and it was the hardest thing ever. Overall, college time is really unstructured and I should’ve expected my courses to be more challenging.

What career are you planning on after graduation?

I want to be an elementary school teacher.

What inspires you the most?

I’ll have to say Jesus. My Christian faith.

How would you describe your style?

Bright, sparkly, and very feminine. I would say pizazz. It has to match. I don’t like anything to look random.

If you had to pick one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would definitely have cornbread in it. Oh and mac and cheese, and not that nasty fake stuff but the real mac and cheese that’s made in the oven. I’d have corn too.

Describe the best experience you’ve had at GCSU?

Being in the education program. I’ve met so many people that I’m close with in it and it made me realize that this is truly the career that I want.

What’s the best advice you could give anyone on how to enjoy college?

Find really good friends who like you for who you are and hold onto them!