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This Fall, Be Warmer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

You may think that the colder weather should bring on hotter drinks, bigger coats, and darker colors, but think again. Not everything should succumb to the dark depression, as I usually refer to the dreaded winter.

This fall and winter, the time for a pop of color has begun.

During the spring and summer, there are bright colors everywhere: bumblebee yellows nestled between lollipop pink and Easter green. By the time Fall rolls around, we’re all a little color sick. This year, though, among the blacks and browns, beiges and taupes, a little pop of pink or yellow is in high demand.

Imagine a sleek black dress, dressed up with black tights, and finished off with black leather boots. It’s a decent attire for a nice dinner with friends, but add this: a gold scarf or sandy tights to give your outfit a nice ooh. Now that’s style.

If you really want to spice things up, go bolder: a bright pink jacket or a boldly printed top with black pants. Instead of the same bland colors walking around campus, we can see a little bit of sunshine peaking through the clouds and more smiles passed between mouths as people compliment outfits.

Cold weather doesn’t have to mean dark colors. Feel free to still enjoy hot drinks and big coats as the snow falls and you stand out like a sunflower in the snow.