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A Cutie You Need To Meet: Christine Hammond

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.
1. Year: Sophomore
2. Major: English
3. Career Goal: “I would love to either be an editor for a book company or teach high school Literature.”
4. Dream Job: “My dream job is to be a full time author/editor, but I know that is a goal that is not always easy to attain.”
5. Clubs and Organizations: “Campus Outreach Discipleship, Peacock’s Feet, Sigma Alpha Omega, and a plethora of intramurals.”
6. Hobbies and Interests: “I love sports. Football is my favorite sport, both to watch as well as to play. I also love fitness in general, reading, writing, singing, dancing, and speaking Spanish!”
7. Inspiration: “I am inspired by my Discipleship Group leader, Taylor Widuch, because she has shown me what it looks like to be a loving mentor, and I want to be able to spread the love of God that way as well.”
8. Favorite Color: Mint green
9. Favorite Book and Movie: “My favorite book is Gone With the Wind, and my favorite movie is The Breakfast Club.”
10. Five Things You Can’t Live Without: “I could not possibly live without my Bible, Jesus, my roomies, my family, or books!”
11.Favorite Memory At GCSU: “My favorite memory at GCSU so far is when it finally clicked that CO and SAO were both places that I could fit in and call home. That was when I knew that all my sisters and friends were going to be there for me, and it gave me a platform to be able to be joyful.”
12. Favorite Personal Aspect: “My favorite aspect about myself is that I am passionate about everything I do. Some people are reluctant to show emotions, but I think it is extremely important to be honest about how you feel. I find that to be a strength, not a weakness.”
13. What You Want Others To Know About You: “I want others to know that I would love to get to know every single person on this campus if time permits!”
14. Most Important Lesson Learned At GCSU: “The most important lesson I have learned while at GCSU is the importance of being surrounded by positive, uplifting community. I could not be more thankful for that!”
15. Personal Mission Statement: “My mission statement can be found in John 3:30- ‘He must become greater; I must become less’.”