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Bonnie Queen: A Drag Racing and Performing Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

What is your year?   


Your major? 

Rhetoric with a French minor.

Your hometown?

Fayetteville, Ga

Are you involved in any clubs or organizations?


What career are you planning on after graduation?

I’m planning on going into the military, mainly looking to get into automotive maintenance in the Air Force. I want to be an officer where I’ll mostly be managing things, but I’m also looking for hands-on experience in the field.

Who is/are your role models?

Hmm…I have three.

The first one is my sister, Ashley. She’s my older sister, so I’ve always watched her and looked up to her. I wanted to be like her.

The second is Dr. Dillard, here at GCSU.  Watching him work with performers and students inspires me to want to do the same thing with my life. I consider him a great teacher and model for the kind of teacher I would want to be, if I go into teaching college after the Air Force.

The last is my mom. She raised me and Ashley basically by herself. She’s a shining example of what unconditional and selfless love looks like. She’s my example of the kind of mother I want to become one day.

What are some of your hobbies?

Drag Racing is my biggest. I’ve been driving for almost six years now. It’s a great way to spend time with my dad and learn lots of new and cool things. It’s super innovative and unique and I enjoy the adrenaline rush and competition that comes along with it. There’s also a fantastic community full of awesome people that I have learned a lot from.

Performance is another big one. It’s kind of hard to define, but I guess it’s a combination of spoken word, speeches, singing, and a bunch of other things. The best way I can describe it is a cross between theatre and rhetoric. It’s a lot about the people and the power of their words. Performance is a wonderful experience that I’m still learning so much from and there’s so much that can be done with it.

Automotive study is another thing I’ve been getting into. I’m currently working my way through a textbook about general car information. I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend, Evan, and my dad taking stuff apart and putting things back together in my dad’s garage.

I’ve also been cross stitching for three years.

What do you like most about being in Milledgeville?

The school, mainly. It’s small enough that I’m not just lost in a crowd. I can still maintain a sort of identity, but it’s not so small that there isn’t anywhere to go.

How has your experience in college changed your perception of the world or yourself?

Oh man. There’s a lot. I think one big thing is that it’s made me a lot more optimistic towards the world. My knowledge of the types of people has broadened due to the exposure to different people of all kinds of backgrounds and ideas. It’s given me a broader scope of what “America” looks like. I’ve also learned that I’m a lot more creative than I thought I was, which comes back to speeches and rhetoric and performances that I’ve been involved in throughout college.

What has been your most enlightening experience in college? What will you take away from your college experience?

Just one? Well, I’ll say that the Patti Pace Performance Festival is one of the most recent of my many enlightening experiences. It was a massive conference where a bunch of performers come together and spend a weekend putting on skits, giving speeches, singing, and all kinds of other things. It was a lot of fun. I had never really thought about doing performance for a living before attending it this past weekend. It made me see that it’s something I can picture myself doing and am interested in pursuing. There are some really awesome people in the world and really great experiences which have taught me that even when I don’t want to go out of my comfort zone, I should. I need to take the leap of faith and try new things.

The ramblings of a young undergrad writer who also has an obsession with Disney and the color purple. If I'm not writing papers or stories I'm coloring, playing piano, or scrounging about the Internet for new music.