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Allyson Kipfer: Casual Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Allyson Kipfer


What is your year?

I’m at my third year here at GCSU set to graduate in 2015.



English with a concentration in creative writing.



Woodbine, Maryland.


Are you in a relationship?



Are you involved in any clubs or organizations?

Yes, Sigma Tau Delta.


What do you tend to do on the weekends at GCSU?

For the most part, I tend to just do schoolwork and hang out with friends or my boyfriend. I don’t really get to go home because I live too far away, so nearly every weekend is a weekend at GCSU.


If you had to pick one outfit to wear for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A comfortable sweater and my favorite pair of skinny jeans.


Describe the funniest thing that has happened to you so far at GCSU.

Well when I used to live in Adam’s Hall, my roommate and I would try to kick open the front doors with our feet. One day, I missed the push-bar on the door and fell flat on my backside in front of one of our CAs. After laughing at me, he was kind enough to help me up.


Describe a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone.

Coming to college on that first day. Since I’m from out of state, I knew absolutely no one. Some students here had known each other years or were reunited. I had to start completely fresh and I’m not the most outgoing person in the world.


What were your plans for life after graduation when you were a freshman? Have those

goals changed or stayed the same?

I had planned to just get out there and write, but the more reasonable part of my brain finally kicked in and instead I’m looking for a job within the publishing company, perhaps editing.


What or who inspires you the most?

I know this sounds lame, but my dog. I’ve always wanted to plan every second of every day down to the last minute. I liked being able to know exactly when something was going to happen or what I was going to do next. My doofus of a dog bolts around outside without a care in the world and, though he doesn’t have a life of work, starting a family, and worrying about money ahead of him, his carefree-ness and go with the flow attitude has made me realize that I just need to chill out sometimes.


What’s the best advice you could give anyone on how to balance school and a social life?

Take time to make plans with your friends, even if it’s only for an hour or so a couple days a week. School work and school life can really take a lot out of you, especially during busy season. Taking a time-out to just relax can do wonders for your head.


Bonus: How do you feel about Pluto?

Pluto hadn’t even made a full rotation around the sun from the time it was classified as a planet to the time it was removed. That makes me infinitely sad. Also, the acronym I use to remember the planets doesn’t make sense anymore without Pluto – My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas – so I just pretend Pluto is still a planet.