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5 Tips on How to Slay on a Bad Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

I’m still not sure why Justin Bieber thought telling someone to “Go and love [themselves]” if they liked the way they looked so much was such a big diss. I love the way I look as should every person on this planet because regardless of what anyone else thinks, you are a beauty in your own right. However for anyone, the task of being completely confident in yourself 24/7 is a bit difficult. I will be the first to admit that I have my self-proclaimed “ugly days” where no matter how hard I try it seems as if my hair won’t listen, my eyeliner hates me, and nothing in my closet looks good on me. Basically the beauty gods of the world have forsaken me.

I am sure we have all been there, but whenever confidence is involved the key to getting past any not so great day is by channeling your inner Beyonce and slaying it until you make it! Here are the best pointers the Queen herself can give!

1. Challenge yourself every morning before putting on makeup or going through your morning routine to look in the mirror and point out at least five of your favorite things about yourself.

Just by starting this type of morning ritual, you will eventually (if you don’t already) start to see all of those natural flawless qualities that you possess without any enhancements and even if you don’t feel completely confident you can be comforted with the knowledge that at least your eyebrows/legs/smile is on fleek!

2. Skip the foundation/concealer/BBCream.

Just for one day is all I beg. Also, before you ask. Yes, I am serious. No, you won’t die. And stop lying to me, you are not medusa. You will not turn the masses to stone or be considered a vile monster if we see your beautiful radiant skin for a single day. Who knows you may even be pleasantly surprised with how much you love your natural glow.

3. Treat yourself! Especially when you’re feeling like less of the goddess that you are!

My favorite pick-me-ups include having a nice Spa Day for myself, eating a Hershey’s Chocolate pie, and serving myself grapes off of the vine because it makes me feel like a Nubian Princesses. Whatever your pick-me-up may be, indulge in it! No one knows what you like more than you so why not treat yourself to those finer things?

4. Learn to value your beauty and uniqueness. It works wonders.

As an awkward preteen, I used to hate the little mole that I have in the center of my non-existent eyebrows. It made me stand out because no one else I knew had a mole there and I dreamed of the day that I would have the money to go get it removed somehow. Now, I love my beauty mark as it is one of my most unique features. I laugh at myself for being so concerned with having people consider me “normal” in middle school. One of the most valuable lessons a person can learn is that waiting around for someone to validate your looks is a HUGE waste of time. As we are so often told, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and considering you’re the one holding the mirror or iPhone to check your hair or lipstick, your opinion when your appearance is concerned is the most important.

5. Slay it ‘til you make it.

Don’t look at your bad days as one where you are defeated. Look at them as a hater that you have to slay before your class at 10:00am! Don’t let your insecurities get you down and if it seems like they are closing in, just be patient with yourself. You are doing a great job being the beautiful human being that you are. So just brush off those doubts and get on out there! I believe in you and more importantly Beyonce believes in you!

Janileyah Thompson is a junior Mass Communications major. She aspires to be either a Public Diplomacy Officer and reside in South Korea one day or become a Victoria Secret Angel, whichever comes first. She's a huge World War II buff with a passion for Korean soap operas and turtles. She is also an adamant supporter of Captain America being the best superhero ever.