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23 Signs that you’re a GCSU student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

23 signs you’re a GCSU student

1.      If you carry a winter jacket solely for the purpose of braving the frigid tundra of A&S.


It is my personal theory that all the heat accumulates in room 351A at 2:00pm, of course,  that may just be due to a certain contributor occupying that room at that time.

2.      If the sidewalk is your personal event planner.

Look at that fantastic artwork!

3.      If Recycling is not just a priority but a responsibility.

 To the point where all the trashcans have been banished.  

4.      And Exercising is the same story

The GCSU Wellness Center: eradicating the Freshman 15 one student at a time. 

5.      And let’s not forget Volunteering

The Give Center is our student operated volunteer center that matches students to an organization that fits their interests and their abilities. A very handy dandy place.  

6.      You think putting up a hammock on front campus sounds like a fantastic idea

And who wouldn’t, with that view? 

7.      You hate those Harlem Shake videos, but this is one you could get into:

8.      You know the shuttle’s schedule like the back of your hand, and can almost sense when they’re going to be late.

Which is easy, because it’s almost always. #Stuggle shuttle

9.      Because, Intermural Sports

10.  Your favorite restaurant may or may not begin with the letter B. 


11.You take advantage of all the awesome Career Center Opportunities

Seriously, if you haven’t gotten your resume checked out by them, you need to reevaluate your life choices

12. You eat sleep and breathe blue and green

It’s great to have school colors that everyone can look great in. No offense, Mercer but orange and black should only be worn on Halloween

13.  If the teachers are your favorite part of your college experience.

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23 signs youre a GCSU student (continued)

14.  If finding a parking space makes you feel like you’ve won the lottery.

Or like you’ve unlocked the highest acheivement in whichever video game you choose to fill your free time with. This kind of looks like something out of MMORPG.

15.  If somewhere in your wardrobe there is a pair of Nike shorts, a sorority tee and sneakers.




And Check.

16.  And a good water bottle is the only accessory you need!

Dehydration: just say no!

17. And you’d much perfer riding around in a golf cart then a stretch limo.

Pictured is our wonderful SNAP program. If you aren’t feeling safe while walking alone at night back to your dorm or to the library you can call them up and they will take you to whereever you need to go!

You never have to feel alone at Georgia College!


18.GC Students have history everywhere around them.

The Governor’s Mansion in Milledgeville, a treasure of American History

Andalusia Farm, Flannery O Connor’s Milledgeville Home and the place she died: A young novelista’s “Mecca”.

19.  You just might be a GCSU student if you’re the top academically

20.  If you’re part of a diverse group of individuals who respect each other for their different beliefs.

21.  If you’re super informed about the world around you

Pictured is a Times Talk, hosted by the American Democracy Project, where students are invited to gather and discuss a topic relating to current events.

22. You’re internationally known.

Nursing students in the Phillipines gain experience researching.

23. Last but not least; you might be a GCSU student if you just rock out loud!



Stephanie House is a Creative Writing major at Georgia College and State University. She has been writing ever since she can remember and reading even before then. She enjoys Sour Patch Kids, Classic Literature, and Doctor Who, and hopes to one day become a published author, an accomplished screenwriter and amateur gondolier.