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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

The Rose vibrator has taken TikTok by storm. I don’t know about you, but my explore page on TikTok includes a video promoting this product at least once a day. This product though, is more than just a measly sex toy circulating a social media platform. This pink, floral vibrator has begun a reconstruction of the conversation surrounding the use of vibrators as well as female masturbation as a whole. Here’s how:

Let’s begin by getting down to the root of the issue. Why is it such a big deal that people are so openly talking about and sharing their experience with this sex toy? Unfortunately, we can all agree that larger society is still not completely comfortable talking about female masturbation. Although men can casually joke about porn and masturbation tendencies, women cannot openly converse about these topics without feeling instilled guilt stemming from society, the media, and personal upbringing. Many women are still raised with the idea that it makes you ‘slutty’ or a ‘bad girl’ to be interested in sexual pleasure. Due to these negative connotations surrounding female masturbation, vibrators have always gotten a bad rap. Why does the act of solo female sex and the use of vibrators carry such a negative stigma even with all of the scientifically proven health benefits? UGH!

Like many other trends, the Rose rose to popularity on social platforms in a very short amount of time. Social media is not necessarily known for spreading the most positive mental and physical health benefits. But in the case of the Rose vibrator, we seem to see the complete opposite. Women have been sharing their experiences involving this vibrator left and right on TikTok, as well as other platforms, and have created a safe space to discuss female masturbation. This small corner of social media is an exciting shift in a positive direction for women everywhere that have had to oppress their personal sexuality and desires. Women have been posting, commenting, and messaging amongst each other solely to get the scoop on this little Rose. Not only has that normalized female masturbation, it also builds community on a space like social media that is not always forgiving to women. 

Due to its sheer popularity, the Rose has sold out on multiple occasions from the original website and has stemmed knock-offs on other adult toy websites. This little vibrator has displayed a glimpse of how women should be able to openly share their sexual experiences and relate through their sexualities. There is no telling what other trends and products would rise to popularity if this trend were to continue. My hope is that this will inspire women to take back and own their sexuality and whatever other floral-shaped vibrators come with it.