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I Stopped Shaving my Pubes and I Feel Like a Bad B*tch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Furman chapter.

Whenever I shave any hair on my body, I’m always in fear of razor burn. My skin is extremely sensitive and putting a razor to some stubble on my body can sometimes create insanely painful razor burn and ingrown hairs, especially down there. I’m too broke to afford products that are said to cure razor burn (check out our article on Fur Oil) so I decided the best way to end razor burn for good is to just stop shaving. 

No, I did not stop shaving everywhere, just my pubic hair. But, let me tell you, this has been hands down the best decision I have ever made. 

Shaving my pubic hair used to be a chore. Almost every time I took a shower I made sure to get rid of any stubble down there. “Why do I shave so often?” one may ask. Well, in today’s culture, if your vulva doesn’t resemble a naked mole rat, you are viewed as old fashioned. A lot of this ideology stems back to porn. This is a whole other topic that I could spend days talking about, but for the sake of this article I’ll sum it up for you. 

Pornographic videos portray women with perky breasts, flat stomachs and hairless pussies. Because of this, porn has created an unrealistic expectation of women’s bodies. Men, (especially unexperienced men), will tend to rely on porn to give them an idea of how sex should look and feel. However, this is FAR from accurate.

So, when I decided to stop shaving my pubic hair I was a little worried. Questions kept swarming in my head; Would I seem weird or unhygienic?  Would my friends judge me? Would men judge me?

After about a week and a half of letting loose, these questions disappeared. I truly did not give a f*ck about what others thought about my pubic hair. I was razor burn free and feeling empowered as ever. I couldn’t tell you exactly why having a little hair down there made me feel so empowered, but I think part of it has to do with the fact that my vulva no longer resembles that of a hairless pubescent child. It’s kind of weird when you think about it, that some men are attracted to bald vulva’s which only occurs naturally in young girls before they hit puberty… yikes. 


(Gif Courtesy of GIPHY)

We have pubic hair for a REASON. Pubic hair helps to keep bad bacteria out of your vagina and urethra, which can decrease the likelihood of developing a bacterial infection. Pubic hair also can help prevent STIs that are spread from skin to skin contact. So, ladies, grow that bush out… or not; it’s your body, your choice!