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The Woman: A Wild, Wondrous and Withstanding Creature

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

*This article does not represent the views of Her Campus FSU

What does it mean to be a woman?

In the Hindu tradition…

Akka was known for rejecting society’s standards and striving to reform society.

In Greek Mythology…

Artemis was the goddess of the moon and hunting, the protector of young women and the midwife.

Athena was the goddess of war and wisdom, who balanced her fiery temper with her kindness.

In the Jewish and Christian traditions…

Esther single-handedly saved an entire group of people from dying at the hands of a corrupt king.

In the Muslim tradition…

Lubna of Cordoba began as a slave girl and became known for her expertise in science, mathematics and numerous other fields.

Whether real or fantastical, these women show how our global society has historically viewed the concept and the being of “the woman.” These women exhibit strength, dignity, power and class. They are able and willing to take control of their situation and exercise leadership.

However, a simple search through Google revealed what is unfortunately much of our current society’s perception of women. I typed in “What makes a woman…,” curious as to what the results would be. What did I find?

 “What makes a woman hot?”

• “What makes a woman attractive to a man?”

 “What makes a woman a cougar?”

Going one step further, I typed in the phrase, “How can a woman make…” and what did I find?

 “How can a woman make a man happy?”

 “How can a woman make a man better?”

• “How can a woman make her husband happy?”

Courtesy: United Nations Foundation

Out of all the suggestions that were generated by the search engine for the above question, half of them (5 out of 10) focused on the relationship between women and men, with the focus being on the woman pleasing the man in her life. Search engine suggestions are based on a principle of popularity, meaning that individuals had already looked up the above questions.

Ladies, wake up! When did we develop into a group of helpless women, dependent on the males in our life to give us purpose, happiness, satisfaction or pleasure? Please don’t misunderstand me; I am not hating on men or calling for a separation from the ones that we love. Rather, I want to urge us to focus on completing ourselves before we even think about completing another. I urge you to create a purpose for yourself as a woman specifically—we are great creations. I am thankful to have been surrounded by fantastic women throughout my life.

My mother, the strongest woman I know, carries herself with grace and dignity throughout every situation. However, she doesn’t take herself too seriously and she knows the importance of humor.

My 15-year-old sister, Jenna, rocks an edgy pixie cut and goes through life with a hopeful view of our often-corrupted world.

My 17-year-old sister, Gracie, is able to show mercy and empathy to people that others would not give a second glance to. She has a personality as sweet (and as feisty) as my mother’s.

My best friend, Laura, gives her absolute all in helping those around her—whether it is in a nursing home or an animal shelter. Her tattoo of “joy” on her ankle adequately describes the energy that she gives out into this world.

My roommates, Robyn and Hannah, fill every day with laughter.

My loving friends, Liz and Sam, remind me of where I came from and where life can take me from this point.

What do all these ladies have in common? They have shown me different definitions of what it means to be a “woman.” Let’s not focus on bettering ourselves for a man. Let’s focus on raising our standards to the levels we want and being confident in who we are.

Check out the links below if you’re lacking some inspiration on this fall day!

Pantene’s Not Sorry

A fabulous advertisement done by Pantene that urges women to stop apologizing just for being women.

The Person You Really Need to Marry

The above TED talk is a fantastic source as well—I won’t spoil it, so make sure to watch it!

Courtesy: The Sassy Life

headstrong // heartfelt // happyA current sophomore at Florida State, Jamie finds joy in the idiosyncrasies of daily life. She loves perfectly-made cups of Cuban coffee, silly cat videos, and exploring quirky places in Tallahassee and in her native Tampa. Jamie is double majoring in Family/Child Sciences and Spanish and loves to discuss mental health, relationships, and adventures. Follow her on Instagram @jamiesierraa.xoxo
Her Campus at Florida State University.