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What the Week Before Spring Break is Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

So it’s the week before Spring Break.

And you’re super excited about wearing that cute bikini you’ve been dreaming about all winter.

You can’t stop thinking about the beach and all the fun you’re going to have, and the excitement just keeps growing.

But then all of your teachers get together and decide to give you a ton of last minute work and tests…

And you’re just left there like…

But you eventually decide to get down to business.

And you pretty much live off of Starbucks the entire week trying to get all of your work done.

Yet you somehow manage to make it to Friday without totally losing it.

But before you know it the realization that Spring Break has begun finally hits you.

And you finally get to enjoy that well deserved time off!

Congrats! Now go have some fun!

Her Campus at Florida State University.