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What it’s Like to Take Summer Classes in Tallahassee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

During the day, ‘ghost town’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.

You don’t even want to be outside because it’s so hot.

Not to mention the severe storms that come out of nowhere.

All the roads are under constant construction, making traffic a nightmare (Gaines and Woodward are closed till who knows when).

You constantly daydream about summer vacation back home.

No one can seem to text you back or make plans,

Because the six week semester B is loaded with bi-weekly tests and everything is crammed.

You finally catch a break and get to go out,

But the bars are so empty you can cut the awkward tension with your bartender with a knife,

And then in the span of 5 seconds, the strip gets unexpectedly packed and all you can think is:

Senior in Creative Writing at FSU. Aspiring journalist/novelist/world traveler. She can be seen binge watching Netflix through the broken blinds of her window and scarfing down large personal pizzas from Papa Johns. Her hobbies include being introverted, having a romantic love affair with Ben & Jerry (scandalous!), playing with people's pets at their houses instead of actually communicating with anyone, and sending brilliantly funny snapchats to her friends list.
Her Campus at Florida State University.