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What Are You Thankful For?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We all say “thank you” countless times a day, and sometimes we say it without even realizing it. This phrase comes out automatically when someone holds the door for you, hands you the drink you ordered, or answers a question. However, when someone neglects to say “thank you,” we almost always take notice (how rude!). Whether they thanked you or not, most people we have encountered in the past 364 days will be stopping on November 28th to give thanks in some way or another. That’s because Thanksgiving is a day to reflect on all of the things you have, or don’t have, and all of the people you are lucky enough to share your life with.

Before I continue, I would like to say that I am thankful for my best friend, roommate, and co-writer, Elana. I am thankful that I have my best friend living just on the other side of my wall, and I am thankful that I have found a best friend for life; but enough about me (before I get too sappy).

If you aren’t as lucky as Elana and me, there are other things you can, and should, be thankful for this year:

·         Be thankful for friends you can call your sisters.

·         Be thankful that any night can be turned into a movie night.

·         Be thankful that you own a plunger (those always come in handy).

·         Be thankful that your roommate isn’t a beekeeper or ant farm owner.

·         Be thankful that your roommate didn’t try to kill Dumbledore.

·         Be thankful that you aren’t Miley Cyrus’ foam finger.

·         Be thankful that your roommate isn’t Kimmy Gibler and her smelly feet (from Full House).

·         Be thankful that your roommate isn’t Roger (“GO HOME ROGER” from Sister, Sister).

·         Be thankful that your roommate can’t see through walls.

·         Be thankful that your roommate isn’t from Ravenswood.

·         Be thankful that pillow fights can actually be fun.

·         Be thankful that your significant other still puts up with you.

·         Be thankful that you aren’t in high school anymore.

·         Be thankful for free events on campus (remember, free events almost always mean free food).

·         Be thankful for your FSUCard (that thing can get you just about everywhere—and for cheap!).

·         Be thankful that your roommate knows your favorite ice cream flavor.

·         Be thankful for FSU athletes (GO NOLES).

·         Be thankful for the FSU/UF rivalry, because competition makes everything more fun.

·         Be thankful for Starbucks—especially the seasonal flavors!

·         Be thankful for social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


While this list contains mostly silly or materialistic aspects of our lives, it is also important to acknowledge and be grateful for the non-tangible things in life: health, happiness, love, etc.

That being said, if you are thankful for someone this Thanksgiving, tell them. If you are thankful for something you have, take care of it. Take advantage of the holiday season and the way it brings people together. Spend time with your family and friends, because as thankful as you are for them, it’s more than likely that they are thankful for you.

So now that you’ve had some time to think about it, what are you thankful for this year?

Elana Pollack, of Vero Beach, FL,  is currently a junior at Florida State University studying English; Editing, Writing, and Media.  While she loves this field, her dream job is to manage a performing arts center.  Elana has a younger brother and sister whom she adores.  Since graduating high school, she has spent every summer working at a camp in North Carolina.  She has seen every Gilmore Girls episode at least three time and still watches every re-run.
Kaitlyn Hatten is curently a junior at Florida State University majoring in Family and Child Sciences/ Child Development. She recently started taking yoga classes but still enjoys teaching herself music video choreography in her bedroom. She idolizes pop artist Demi Lovato and strives to be her (or her best friend) one day. Some may consider her a "crazy cat lady" but it's really all animals that bring joy to her life. If she was filmed on a daily basis and had her life turned into a television show, it would have a little bit of comedy, romance, action... actually, no action, just comedy. Overall, she's just a goof-ball with a big heart!
Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."