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Unconditionally: An Interview with the Wesley Foundation’s Senior Leader, Brittany Baro

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Brittany Baro

Year: Junior

Hometown: West Palm Beach, Florida

Position: Senior Leader at the Wesley Foundation

I had the privilege of speaking with Brittany Baro, Senior Leader at the Wesley Foundation. She gave me insight into what it means to be part of the Methodist church on the Florida State campus, and how it has shaped her time at FSU.

Her Campus (HC): What is the Wesley Foundation all about?

Brittany Baro (BB): The Wesley Foundation is a Methodist Ministry on campus that bases its beliefs on acceptance, inclusivity, and love.

HC: What events and get-togethers does Wesley hold?

BB: Every week we have Community Nights on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. with dinner and family groups, which really gets everyone involved and builds relationships. On Sunday evenings we have worship night at 7 p.m. Other than weekly events, we also do one beach retreat and a winter retreat. These events really strengthen the community and build trust in one another and the church itself.

Courtesy: @brittbaro on Instagram

HC: What drew you in to join Wesley and eventually become a leader?

BB: I was a part of a Christian camp growing up and that really shaped my childhood and teen years, and when I saw the Wesley Foundation on campus, I was pulled in. A lot of my counselors went to FSU, and they talked about Wesley so much. It really inspired me.

HC: How do you apply what you learn in your faith in everyday life?

BB: The Wesley Foundation is built on acceptance and the inclusion of people no matter your race, gender orientation, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, and it’s a big part of how I live my life as a Christian, as well as not pushing my religion on anyone. Showing love and inclusivity to everyone is a huge part of being Christian and I spread that message wherever I can.

HC: Even in 2019, it’s still uncommon to find such a safe space for LGBTQ+ in Christianity like at Wesley. How do you make your church a safe space for LGBTQ+ Christians?

BB: We drape pride flags all over Wesley to make it very apparent that we’re a church of inclusion and pride. There are so many allies at Wesley who help make this space somewhere that all Christians, no matter who you are, feel safe and loved. We also did a service series for Easterfest called ‘Unconditionally,’ which was a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and ended up raising over $4,000.

Courtesy: FSU News

HC: And lastly, in one brief description, what does Wesley mean to you?

BB: Love, acceptance, and inclusion under God.

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Amanda Macchiarola is a freshman at Florida State University studying Psychology. For as long as she can remember, Amanda has always had a passion for writing, whether it be creative writing or journalism. She hails from Tampa, loves a good book, and is on the hunt for the best Mac N Cheese in Tallahassee.
Her Campus at Florida State University.