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Tom Dacey: Campus Cutie and Founding Father

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Age: 21

Year: Junior

Major: Biology and minoring in Chemistry

Relationship status: Single

Her Campus (HC): What are your interests?

Tom Dacey (TD): Outside of school, I’d say being outdoors and fishing—I love fishing, boating, and lounging around playing video games on Xbox.

HC: Do you play any sports?

TD: I am starting an IM softball team and I played IM soccer, but I wasn’t very good at it though. We have tryouts for our fraternity and nobody did soccer so I did.

HC: Are you going to be here for summer?

TD: I’m going to be here for Summer A doing an organic chemistry lab. It’s a requirement to do nine credit hours so I’m going to be doing that; it’s going to suck.

HC: What compelled you to help found a fraternity chapter at FSU?

TD: Before I joined a fraternity I wasn’t really involved with anything on campus and I wanted to but wasn’t sure how to. So I was walking on campus and I saw that there was a booth set up saying something like “Gentlemen of principle” or something like that, I stopped by and started talking to them. It really sparked my interest in like leaving a legacy behind of starting something at FSU, so one day if I ever came back, people could be like “hey that one old made this happen.” I’m really excited about that. They’re supposed to get a new house and they’re going to put up a picture up of us founders so I thought that was kind of cool.

HC: How many members started out and how many are there now?

TD: We started out with 96 pledges, 78 of us got initiated, and now there are 98 members since we took in 20 pledges that were initiated during the spring semester. We’re almost in the triple digits.

HC: Do you think it will grow exponentially?

TD: Yeah. Like I said they are planning on getting a house and we plan on capping off 150 guys. Campus average for fraternity members is 120. National board sees us growing even more. Our fraternity national chapter is trying to make us a better fraternity, one that doesn’t just focus on partying, but instead on showing what a fraternity is suppose to exemplify.

HC: Did you participate in Dance Marathon?

TD: Yeah. I can’t remember how much our chapter raised. Overall FSU raised over $790,000. I didn’t dance.

HC: Why didn’t you dance?

TD: I had a test that I really needed to study for that coming Monday. I will dance next year when I’m a senior because by then I won’t really care about tests (senioritis!).

HC: Do you work?TD: No, I don’t think I have any time. Any free time I don’t think I would be working, I would be studying. I am EMT certified so I ride along with FSUPD sometimes, sort of like an internship, except I don’t get paid.

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?TM: Hopefully graduating medical school and starting internships and residency. I’m applying to med schools this summer. I want to work in the ER, as an ER physician or a trauma surgeon; that’s my career plan. Hopefully living by the water somewhere in Florida or New York. Probably still going to be single, unfortunately. Living that single life.

Senior in Creative Writing at FSU. Aspiring journalist/novelist/world traveler. She can be seen binge watching Netflix through the broken blinds of her window and scarfing down large personal pizzas from Papa Johns. Her hobbies include being introverted, having a romantic love affair with Ben & Jerry (scandalous!), playing with people's pets at their houses instead of actually communicating with anyone, and sending brilliantly funny snapchats to her friends list.
Her Campus at Florida State University.