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Tips for Broke Collegiettes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We’ve all had those months—or semesters—where it’s a miracle if our bank accounts are in double digits, let alone triple. Your car is always running on E, and the only thing in your fridge is half a jar of salsa and some old Chinese take-out. You’re paying for your Taco Bell with the nickels and pennies laying around in your car (it’s totally okay because that’s what they do in the commercials, right?), and you complain if you have to pay a $5 cover when you go out. Have no fear collegiettes, I’ve got some tips for you to help stretch your dwindling cash till payday.

Sign up for Groupon:

Yes, Groupon spams your inbox with I don’t even know how many emails a month, but occasionally there is a useful deal in the mix. As annoying as it is, signing up for it can be beneficial. You might not want the half-off wood carving class, but you will want the email containing a 75% off coupon to the Thai restaurant down the street.

When you eat out, be smart about it:

Always look for the deals when you go out to dinner. Because of all of the restaurants in a college town, chances are you can find a good deal almost every night of the week. Also, a ton of restaurants offer student discounts even though it doesn’t say it anywhere in their store. Don’t be afraid to ask, you could a free fountain drink or 10% your entire bill.

Sell some clothes for extra cash:

I’m not saying you should sell all but three of the outfits you own, but do sell that third of your closet you never touch. You have a couple options when it comes to selling clothes. The most popular two are selling to Plato’s Closet and selling directly to other college students via several FSU Facebook pages. You usually don’t get a ton of money from either, but you’ll still have an extra twenty bucks in your pocket that you wouldn’t have had before.

Visit local prooduce stands:

Being tight on cash doesn’t mean you have to give up fruits and veggies. They’re super expensive at the grocery store, but if you hit up you local produce stand, you’ll only pay about a third of the price. And they’ll be locally grown and free of hormones. Just because you’re broke doesn’t mean you have to live on Ramen noodles.

Take the bus:

Most colleges have pretty decent bus systems, so you never have to drive to class (if you live off-campus). You’d be surprised how much gas you can save by cutting a few trips to campus out of your life. The bus ride is also a great place to get homework or studying done without being distracted by the TV or your computer. Your tuition already includes the bus fees, so why don’t take advantage of the “free” transportation while you have it. 

Kayla Jewell is a senior Editing, Writing, and Media major at Florida State University, minoring in Communications and Film Studies. She doesn't like to think about what happens after graduation. When she’s not doing schoolwork, Kayla spends her time stalking celebrities on the internet, taking naps, and going to concerts.
Lauren Burkett is an alumna of Florida State University, where she studied Editing, Writing and Media.  Since graduating in 2014, she has worked in marketing, as a flight attendant and now works in the oil and gas industry.  She was the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus FSU during her time there, and is ecstatic to continue her involvement with the organization as a Chapter Advisor.  Lauren now lives in Denver, Colorado and enjoys being outside, reading and journaling in her free time.