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Tips and Tricks to Survive Uncuffing Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

It’s April and the end of cuffing season is finally among us. I also know that many of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions. So why not make some resolutions that could help save your relationship? Here are some tips to improve your love life during uncuffing season. 

1. Nurture Your Affection for Your Partner

Your relationship isn’t going to last if you’re sitting around thinking about how Brad from Sig Ep looked so good on Spring Break and you’re SO has put on a couple pounds of relationship weight. You must nurture your affection for your partner. This means thinking about them, going out of your way to show you care, just keep flirting. I’m sure everyone has heard that if you act like you’re still trying to win them, then you won’t lose them. It’s true, people. You all remember those butterflies you used to get when they texted you, don’t let that fade away!

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2. Don’t Shut Them Out

This may be one of the hardest tips in my opinion. I am guilty of ignoring people when I’m angry. It doesn’t work. It may seem like the best idea to get over something without arguing but it ultimately doesn’t solve anything. If you don’t talk about the problem, then the problem will keep occurring. Don’t yell and scream at each other but don’t play the silent game if you want your relationship to survive.

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3. Be Willing to Compromise

It’s all about you. When you’re in a relationship it’s not about winning. It’s not about who is going to give in. If the relationship means enough to the both of you, then compromise. I know it’s easy to get heated up because it’s Tuesday and you want BBW’s boneless wings and he wants Taco Tuesday but compromise. Being able to compromise on the small stuff will make the more complicated arguments seem a little more manageable. I know we all want our way but when there is another person involved you must take them into consideration.

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4. Argue only about solvable problems

We’ve all taken math classes. You know that one problem that you just can’t solve and you’re almost positive there is no right answer. It’s the same when it comes to relationships. You can have disagreements over which side of the bed is yours or whose turn it is to take out the trash. But fights that involve things like each other’s religions are not fights that you need to have. Be respectful and just accept each other’s differences. Fighting over unsolvable problems are only going to hurt the relationship and not make it stronger.

Courtesy: Gifrific

5. Value Their Opinion

We all like to think that we can do it all on our own…until we can’t. We need help along the way and we need advice. For most people in a relationship, we reach out for our SO during these times. That’s one of the main reasons we as humans enter relationships. We need that support as we move through life. So, when you do ask for opinions, make sure you let your SO know that you value what they have just said. Even if he picked the black dress and you wanted to wear red, still let them know that you are grateful for the input. Don’t put them down and make them feel stupid. Everyone gets enough of feeling like trash during class, don’t let it have a place in your relationship.

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I hope that these few tricks help your relationship survive until the next cuffing season. They may not be a solution to every problem you have but they are a building block. So good luck and may the odds of staying together be ever in your favor!

Her Campus at Florida State University.