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How FSU Students Are Getting in the Holiday Spirit Amidst Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Finding time to enjoy yourself and the holiday season while preparing for finals week is difficult, to say the least. Between the exciting holiday festivities happening all around you and the pressure to be cramming for upcoming exams, it seems as though you must choose one or the other. Here is how FSU students are doing both.

FSU offered a host of festive activities taking place all over campus. Many of these activities took place in Strozier Library and Dirac Library to maximize convenience for students prepping for finals at the libraries.

Earlier this week Club Downunder put on a Winter Wonderland on Landis Green in the evening. After a long day of classes and studying, students were able to enjoy some festive fun with friends, turning an ordinary Monday into an exciting one! The event featured activities, food, games and much more.

Having events located directly in popular places on campus and during convenient times helps maximize the ability for students to fit some fun into their busy schedules.

In addition to campus events centered around the holidays and finals week preparation, students are finding their own ways to get into the holiday spirit without compromising their study time. A great way to do both simultaneously is by listening to your favorite holiday songs while studying. Having background music featuring classic holiday hits is a sure way to brighten up your upcoming study session. Another easy way to incorporate some holiday fun is by drinking a seasonal coffee beverage while studying, such as a peppermint mocha or a caramel Brulee latte. Caffeinate and get in the holiday spirit, all while prepping to ace your exams!

With the holiday season in full swing and finals week approaching, it can be stressful to manage your time. There are a million different things we can be doing or feel as though we should be doing, often leading to procrastination. “I think good time management habits are key to managing finals and the holidays,” an FSU student said, “I like to motivate myself to study with the reward of spending time with friends after.” Building a study schedule can be helpful in managing your time. This can help maximize your available time to spend with friends getting into the holiday spirit.

If you still feel as though you don’t have enough time to allocate to holiday fun, why not get into the holiday spirit while doing your necessary tasks? “Sometimes it’s fun to just browse around the holiday decoration section at Target,” the FSU student said. This way, you can get into the holiday spirit while doing your necessary shopping and not cutting into your study time. It is a win-win situation.

Finals season and the holidays are upon us, but you don’t have to choose one or the other. Make time to have festive fun and quality time with friends and family, while setting aside time dedicated to preparing for exams. Be sure to check out upcoming campus events for more opportunities to squeeze some holiday fun into your schedule.

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I am a junior at Florida State University studying psychology and minoring in mathematics and communication. I am the Outreach Coordinator at Her Campus FSU. I'm very passionate about art, literature, fashion, pop culture and films!