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Tatiana Jeudy: Discovering the World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Tatiana Jeudy

Year: Junior

Major: Media Communications

Hometown: Miami

Courtesy: Tatiana Jeudy

Her Campus (HC): Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I want to know why you choose FSU?

Tatiana Jeudy (TJ): I chose FSU because of The Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement. Through CARE, I knew that I would be provided all the support and resources needed to be successful here at FSU.

HC: Can you tell us what you want to do with your major?

TJ: I actually don’t plan on getting into any field related to Media Communications. Right now, I’m leaning towards a career in advocacy. I’m passionate about many things and ensuring that disadvantaged youth are able to secure the opportunity to go to college is one of them. My dream job is to lobby for education.

HC: What made you want to go to Spain?

TJ: I’ve always been enamored by the Spanish language, and what better way to learn it then to go study in its country of origin? It had also been my dream to live in Europe since my junior year of high school.

HC: What is the best thing you took away form this experience?

TJ: I learned that it’s important to engage with others from different cultures. While I was in Spain, people were really interested in getting to know me and about American culture. I’ll never forget asking a woman at Starbucks in Spain how to connect to the wifi and her offering me to join her and her friend after she realized I was not a native. I knew that if the roles were reversed, I would have never taken the initiative to invite her to sit with me and my friends. I felt so welcomed. Today, I consider her a friend.

HC: Was there anything you didn’t enjoy doing there?

TJ: I didn’t enjoy contemplating how fast the semester was going to go. I was having such a great experience but the thought of me returning to Florida consumed me.

HC: Would you ever study abroad again? What would your advice be for others who want to study abroad also?

TJ: I would definitely study abroad again. I advise others who are fortunate enough to spend a semester in another country to make it worthwhile. Try your best to get to know the locals and immerse yourself in the culture. It’s really easy to spend the whole semester with your friends from the states and not really learn anything. I made sure I spoke to as many people as much as possible. Connect with your professors abroad and ask them how you can connect with students from the city that you will be studying in.

HC: What made you decide to be apart of a research group?

TJ: I knew that I wanted to do research this semester on education. After navigating the College of Education website, I stumbled upon Professor Brad Cox and his work was directly aligned with my interests.

HC: Can you tell us a little bit more about the organization?

TJ: Currently he is doing research on college students on the autism spectrum and how to promote advocacy for these students on campus as well as training of faculty. I knew that I wanted to be a part of this research because often times we don’t think about the challenges that others face. I think it’s important for us to ensure that our peers who have disabilities are warranted all the help they need to be successful just as much as we are.

HC: What keeps you motivated?

TJ: My grandmother. Growing up, my grandmother played the role of both my mother and father. She struggled a lot for me and I just want to make sure that all her hardship was not in vain.

HC: What are your future goals?

TJ: After graduation I plan on returning to Spain through the Auxiliaries of Conversation program to become a teaching assistant for one year to help students improve their English proficiency. Upon returning to America, I plan on enrolling into law school in hopes of becoming an education lobbyist. I’d be really happy doing that and any job that would allow me to live abroad and help those in need.

My name is Zahra. Love the color green and love FSU
Her Campus at Florida State University.