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The Student Foundation CAREs 5K Relay Race

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

On Sunday, Nov. 6, The Seminole community will come together for one cause: to support and give back to FSU’s CARE Program. The Student Foundation is hosting the first ever 5K Relay benefitting first generation students that may have faced educational or economic hardships.

The Student Foundation Board of Trustees was founded solely on the principles of philanthropy. These hardworking and dedicated students believe in the power of giving; in order to receive more, we must give more. The Student Foundation is entirely student run and operated based on several different committees. As a board, they raise and administer funds, then allocate them to areas that benefit student development and their unique college experience. As a result, there is no duo more dynamic than the Student Foundation and the CARE Program, since they share the same mission.

“CARE is such a critical part of our campus, and students are aware of thatsome of the top talent at Florida State wouldn’t be able to be here without CARE. The relay is going to be a lot of fun, but, at the end of the day, what really counts is that we’ve supported our fellow Noles in a meaningful way through a wonderful program,” said David Walsh, the Chairman of the Student Foundation.

Courtesy: CARE Website


The truth is we are all creatures of habit. Therefore, we should all practice philanthropy as students in order to increase the likelihood that we will give back to the university that gave us the best four years of our lives as alumni. What better way than by participating in the 5K? Sign up to reserve a spot for your team today!

A relay team is composed of 5 runners, so gather four of your closest friends to have a great time and leave your mark. It is also highly encouraged to give a donation to the fund for participating, in order to make a difference and be a part of making a prospective student’s dream come true, as each donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar thanks to the First in Family matching grant.

Unfortunately, higher education is seemed as a privilege rather than a righta privilege that not everyone is given. College is a time to grow professionally, personally and to learn more about yourself and the world around you. As students, it is hard to imagine a world without this wonderful opportunity.

“I think this relay is, in many ways, more than just a fundraiser. We have a goal, we have a beneficiary, but what’s most significant is the immense support that Florida State students are giving their fellow students, and ultimately, our university’s future,” said David Walsh.

Change begins with us.

Sign up for the SF CAREs 5K Relay here: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_do6jHiOlmJB8Vxz  

For more information on The Student Foundation, please visit: http://studentfoundation.fsu.edu/

For more information on the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE), please visit: http://care.fsu.edu/

Her Campus at Florida State University.