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SSF’s New DSA: Do You Know Kassandra Starrine?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Kassandra Starrine, the current Director of Student Affairs (DSA) at the Southern Scholarship Foundation (SSF) currently holds her Master’s in Social Work from Florida State University. She is working towards her Ph.D. in International Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology as well as her dissertation on host population attitudes towards refugees with data based on education resources provided and how little education transfers between countries, refugees and their ability to attain the same level of income that they had in their home country.

Her Campus (HC): What led you to this career?

Kassandra Starrine (KS):  Before coming to SSF, I was working mainly contract jobs. I worked on a few contracts including Save the Children and Hurricane Michael Recovery, which allowed me to spearhead a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with FSU’s College of Social Work. Later, I worked in another Hurricane Michael Recovery role overseeing the disaster case management contracts established by Volunteer Florida with a focus on children, individuals with disabilities and mental health. My team ensured the contracted agencies fulfilled their deliverables per their contract.

Finally, before SSF I worked at Gadsden Correctional Facility with incarcerated women giving them the resources to be able to successfully transition back into society so that once they were released, they had a plan in place for jobs, housing and in many cases, a plan to get their children back. In addition, my team was also working on a follow-up program that would check for status updates to keep these women on the right track to success.

HC: How did you find out about SSF?

KS: It was on LinkedIn! I have been teaching for the last five years as an adjunct professor at Chipola College in Marianna, FL, and I was really interested in getting more into academia. I saw the opportunity for DSA at SSF, decided to do more research, and I said wow, this is exactly the role I am looking for to develop my career path. Because ultimately working in academia and administration is very near and dear to me which is why I have been teaching for so long and working on my Ph.D.

HC: When you first got to SSF did you think you would be a good fit?

KS: At first I was a little nervous, I’ve never been a DSA before. I remember thinking “I am so nervous.” Because everyone is asking me “What house are you from?” And I was like “um, just visiting.” And they’re probably thinking “oh, we can have visitors at the potluck?”

But I was like “I can do this.” I feel that it is the same nervousness as starting any new role. It’s that question of, “what is to expect from the unexpected?” And the more I got to know everyone, I got to see a more genuine side of people. In addition to having the support of staff and coworkers that are helping lead and guide me as I figure out all the pieces of my new role, deadlines, and expectations. I am so glad I didn’t let my nervousness stop me or distract me from following through because it has been a great experience and I hope in turn I have been able to create a great experience for others.

HC: What was your biggest obstacle in life and how did you overcome it?

I lived in Marianna, FL, and commuted to Tallahassee while I was an undergrad because I had two jobs back home. I lived on my own, but I also took care of my mom and grandma. Tallahassee was business. I think I went to one football game ever, and at that point, I was in grad school. Tallahassee was not fun, let’s go out and party. It was I’m here for school and then I leave.

There would be some nights when I would serve at a restaurant. Sometimes it would be like 2 or 3 AM when I would finish, and I thought if I went to sleep there was no way I would make it to my 8 AM. So, I would drive home, shower, and come to the FSU parking garage to sleep before class.

There were so many times when I had to think “Am I going to put gas in my car or pay this bill?” because I was also paying my mom’s mortgage and having to make all these big decisions between the ages of 18-21, it was pretty horrifying, and it was very stressful. And this is one of the things that made me very passionate about SSF.

SSF is such an amazing opportunity. I wish I would have known. I could have lived here. I would not have dealt with the things I dealt with. At that time, I was managing a retail store, serving at a restaurant, and working on my bachelor’s. I didn’t have a lot of people in my corner, support, or resources that were available to me. So, it was really just me figuring things out, but I made it. I’m here! That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

That’s why SSF and my role are very important to me, because maybe not every SSF resident is going to have that same lack of resources, but I feel like a lot do, and sometimes we get so focused on the little things that we do not see the bigger picture. $1200 a semester, which could be a month’s rent somewhere else, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on this opportunity as I did.

So, coming here it’s like everyone needs a scholarship, everyone come here!

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Hi, my name is Amanda! I am currently a full-time student at Florida State University, and a part time writer with HerCampus. Writing is one of my more prominent passions and I love the ability to be able to share it with you. To keep up with my life…you can follow me on Instagram @theamandaflynn