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Speaking with one of FSU’s Favorite Professors: Mark Zeigler

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

If you’ve ever taken a speech class at FSU and were lucky enough to have Mark Zeigler as your professor, you know that he is one of those professors that you’ll never forget. In my time as his student so far this semester, it has become increasingly apparent that he truly cares about each and every one of his students. He teaches us in new and intriguing ways through the use of storytelling, advice and real-life analysis of the material. I decided to sit down and find out more about Professor Zeigler as well as document some of the wisdom I’ve received as a student for others to learn as well.

Her Campus (HC): Why did you become a speech professor?

Professor Zeigler (PZ): It wasn’t something I planned, when I was in grad school a professor of mine told me they needed someone to teach a speech class. On the first day, I was five minutes into teaching, and I loved it. I knew this was what I wanted to do.

HC: What do you think is the most important takeaway from this class?

PZ: I want students to learn tools so that they are empowered by communication and not bewildered by it. Communication gives the tools necessary to get things done.

HC: I’ve noticed that you make a huge effort to connect with students, why?

PZ: I connect with students because my greatest teachers did the same, it makes students want to learn, it gives them motivation.

HC: What was the best advice you received while in college?

PZ: My grandfather told me to keep my mouth shut while teaching, the students will teach me more than I would teach them. To have humility and learn by listening to others.

HC: What advice would you give to college students?

PZ: I would tell FSU students to take a bunch of different classes and experience as many different opportunities as they can. FSU has so much to offer, and students should take advantage of that.

HC: You reference your upbringing a lot in class and how it has affected your character, do you think it has affected your teaching?

PZ: Oh yeah, my mother was a Kindergarten teacher, and my father was a Baptist Minister, I learned to teach from them. I reference what has made me the person I am in hopes that students will lead by my example and reflect on their own experiences to gain a better understanding of who they are.

HC: I once had a professor tell my class that we are all young people who are here to expand our minds, how do you view your students?

PZ: I see students who want to get a degree to contribute to the world and have a good life.

HC: As a professor, you are a resource to guide us towards success, what do you view as success?

PZ: Not yearning for more, contentment with your life. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are and staying true to yourself.

HC: Why is public speaking better than watching a video of the same information?

PZ: I think it depends on the situation. Sometimes speaking live is better because you’re able to interact with the audience, be more personal and in the moment. But if someone is extremely busy, such as a stay-at-home mom, they don’t always have the time to sit down and teach a lesson to their kids. Sometimes it is just easier to play a video for them to learn from.

HC: Do you think this age of technology that we are in is going to have a good or bad impact on public speaking?

PZ: Both, technology gives more people more access to different information and sources. But, there is less of a reliance on face-to-face contact, and interactions are stunted.

HC: How does public speaking have the potential to change a person?

PZ: Public speaking makes your confidence go up. Once someone isn’t intimidated by communication, the whole world opens.

Professor Zeigler’s wisdom and advice continue to inspire FSU students each year. Take one of his classes next semester to open up the whole world by building your own confidence in communication!

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Sophie Roguski is a Junior at Florida State University, majoring in International Affairs, with a minor in Hospitality Management. She loves romcoms, celebrity gossip, and has a strong desire to travel more.