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South Asian Lenses: 10 Life Lessons I Have Learned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

At 22 years old, I have learned many lessons in my life. These are lessons that I have learned that have helped improve different aspects of my life. May it be academics, relationships, or finance there is something for everyone.

Always Be Yourself 

I know this sounds cliché and overused, but it’s one of the most important life lessons of all time. There are millions of people in this world and many more that you meet in your lifetime, but there is literally no one like you and that is your true power.  I am someone who has a strong personality and some people feel intimidated by that. I have learned to just be you and people who love your energy will love you for you.

Believe in Your Fire 

No one will believe in your potential and what you have to offer as much as yourself. There will be people who won’t believe in you and don’t want to see you succeed (I know sad), and you have to not let them bring you down.

Travel, Travel and Travel!

Traveling doesn’t have to be to a big and extravagant location, it can be a destination within your own state, like visiting another city. This pandemic has shown how grateful we should be of simply being able to go outside and socialize. When this quarantine is over, grab your friends and travel to the places that you always wanted to travel to.

Never Put a Man Before You First

When I look back at my life, I’m very thankful that I never made life decisions around a relationship because if I did I wouldn’t be as happy in life as I am right now. As a woman, it is important to live your life independently and put yourself first. People come and go out of your life, and the same applies to men. The one that’s meant for you will find you.


Studies have shown that journaling your thoughts and feelings helps to release stress and figure out what it is that’s bothering you. There are apps programmed for journaling, or the simplicity of a notebook and pen does the trick as well.

Thrive in a Male Dominant Environment

May it be in the classroom or in a work environment, just because you don’t see another woman in the room doesn’t mean you don’t belong there. What you have to offer is just as important as your male counterparts.

Your 20s = Hustle 

Don’t get comfortable in your 20s, especially after graduating undergrad. The life you want to live in your 30s and beyond can be achieved when you work hard in your 20s.

We Can All Shine 

You can shine as well as others shine beside you. Being supportive of others and their accomplishments doesn’t dim your light.

Communication is an Important Skill 

Communicating how you feel may seem like a no brainer and easy, but there will be situations where either someone else or you for the matter will find it difficult to have a hard conversation. In moments like these, you have to have to face the problem head-on or be the first one to do it. 

Budget Your Money

Money doesn’t entirely buy you happiness but does make you financially secure because having your own money as a woman is so important. I would not have been able to afford to attend FSU if I didn’t budget my money and save my scholarship money that I had before. 

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Musammat Uddin is a senior hailing from West Palm Beach, FL. She is a Psychology major with a minor in Religion. When she isn't in class or working, you will find her running around campus with involvements in Student Government Association, LADIES, Women Student Union, and South Asian Students' Association. When she isn't a busy bee, you will find her out with her friends or in a coffee shop.
Her Campus at Florida State University.