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Sofia Anleu: Black Belt, Sigma Delta Tau President and World Traveler

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name:  Sofia Anleu 

Hometown: Weston, FL

Year: Senior

Major: Retail Merchandising & Product Development

Upon meeting Sofia Anleu, two things are abundantly clear: this woman is confident and she is in charge. What may not be apparent is that she is also trilingual, has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and has traveled to four continents! As President of Sigma Delta Tau and Membership Captain for Dance Marathon, she is a role model of both versatility and grace, exuding leadership and determination. Meet Sofia Anleu.

Courtesy: Sofia Anleu

Her Campus (HC): If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be? 

Sofia Anleu (SA): Passionate, caring and approachable.

HC: Who is your biggest inspiration or role model? 

SA: My mom is my biggest role model. She commits herself 100 percent to everything she does. She’s basically superwoman. 

HC: Wow, president of a sorority is pretty awesome and probably busy. What does a typical day look like for you? 

SA: I always have morning classes then lunch at the house and usually after that I am going to some sort of meeting regarding the sorority. My phone is always blowing up. 

HC: What exactly is the president’s job? 

SA: Overseeing the 11 executive board members who work under me, and ensuring that they are all doing their jobs. Staying in contact with Panhellenic and our chapter’s National Headquarters. 

HC: What would you say is the hardest part of your job?

SA: Learning to balance between my responsibilities, my schoolwork and my social life. 

HC: Did you always have aspirations of joining the Executive Board?

SA: Yes, I wanted to be on exec since I first joined my chapter. I am not the type that has always aspired to be a leader, but I have always been very passionate about Sigma Delta Tau, which influenced my decision to run for President. 

HC: Was there ever a moment where you just knew that becoming President was the right decision for you?

SA: The moment I knew that being president was the right thing was when I had a chapter member tell me I inspired her and she wanted to pursue a leadership position because of how much it changed me in a positive way.

Courtesy: Sofia Anleu

HC: Is it ever scary knowing that you have so much responsibility for the chapter and the women in it? 

SA: Yes, it is definitely scary to be responsible for 250+ women, but my exec members help out a lot.

HC: Going back to the beginning, what caused you to rush in the first place? 

SA: Being in a sorority always appealed to me; I wanted to find my home on campus and make life-long friends. 

HC: What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your presidency? 

SA: To be patient and to listen.

HC: How has being a leader affected you or shaped who you are today? 

SA: This position has changed my life. I am more confident and more determined to get what I want.

HC: What advice would you give women who also want to lead? 

SA: Be humble and transparent – that’s the only way to get people to follow you.

Courtesy: Sofia Anleu

HC: What is your life motto?

SA: Live, don’t just exist

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

SA: Hopefully living in NYC working for a fashion magazine as some sort of stylist.  

Courtesy: Sofia Anleu

HC: If you could talk to your freshman self, what would you tell her?

SA: You’ll figure it out; college is not as overwhelming as it first seems. 

HC: What has been your greatest experience at Sigma Delta Tau? 

SA: Hands down, the friendships I’ve made. My friends and I have a very strong bond. When any of us are going through a difficult time, the rest of us drop whatever we are doing to be by her side.

HC: You’ve been to four continents! That’s amazing! Where all have you been?  

SA: I’ve travelled to the majority of Europe, a few states, China and Japan, Brazil and Argentina. My travels have definitely shaped my life in that they have enhanced my worldly knowledge and allowed me to see the world in different ways. 

Courtesy: Sofia Anleu

Writing is my passion. How I Met Your Mother is my favorite tv show (along with Gossip Girl, Modern Family, and American Horror Story). Travelling is an obsession, I am a victim of wanderlust. I worship the sunshine. Pasta is my go-to meal. Coffee is my drink of choice (or maybe a glass of Riesling).
Her Campus at Florida State University.