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Simple Reminders for Staying Safe During Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Spring break is generally a time of celebration! A time of letting loose and getting away to relax for a week, with no assignments or exams to worry about. But spring break plans can quickly go south if your safety is compromised. Here are some tips on avoiding such a circumstance.

First things first: sunscreen. Sunscreen and aloe vera are some of the simplest ways to stay safe during vacation, yet they’re very easy to be overlooked. Bring along some sunscreen and apply as often as the bottle suggests. If you do get sunburnt, a cool aloe vera gel will bring great relief. Personally, I like to keep my aloe vera gel in the fridge…it adds an extra soothing layer to the process! If you’ll be out in the sun all day, hydrating is another important way to stay safe. Bring a water bottle with you and constantly remind yourself and your friends to drink enough to avoid heatstroke.

green aloe vera plant pisauikan

This one is a bit obvious, but it’s definitely worth mentioning! If your Spring Break will include steamy one night stands or hookups, taking precaution is non-negotiable. Safe sex at the very least can save you a whole lotta inconvenience; at most, safe sex can literally save your life. Keep in mind that most birth control methods do not protect you from STDs or STIs. Wearing condoms and/or using dental dams are the most effective ways to avoid STDs or STIs. If your partner refuses or tries to make up an excuse, ditch ‘em and find another. Seriously, it’s spring break. Hotties are a dime a dozen for a self-empowered queen such as yourself!

birth control methods against pink and yellow background
Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition

This is another obvious one…and if I’m being honest, a bit of a ‘stick-in-the-mud’ one. If you plan on drinking this Spring Break, take the time to remember your limit and to stop yourself before you reach it. It only takes one drink to end up spending your night with your head in a toilet bowl, or worse. If, for some reason, you don’t quite know your limit yet, please know that spring break is not the time to find out, especially if you’ll be spending it away from home. Finding your limit should be done in a safe place where you’re surrounded only by people who genuinely care about you and your wellbeing.

closeup of drinks at the club discenza
Michael Discenda

On the same vein of drinking and partying, consider making up a code word to use with your group of friends. Ideally, creating a buddy system so no one is ever alone works best. But everyone craves some alone time and some privacy. So for that reason, create a code word or two. Letting your friends know whether you’re okay in a situation has the potential to completely save your wellbeing and prevent things from ever going too far.

Lastly, if you’re traveling outside of the country, don’t overlook getting your vaccines updated. Keeping your vaccines up to date will protect yourself and others. Of course, don’t forget to wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

washing hands dumlao
Nathan Dumlao

Stay safe, and enjoy your Spring Break!

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Isabella Reimer is a student at Florida State University double majoring in Creative Writing and Women's Studies. She loves reading, writing, and an ice-cold soda! You can likely find her at second-hand bookstores, maze-like libraries, or cozy coffee shops!
Her Campus at Florida State University.