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Residents Assistants: The Underappreciated Campus Celebrity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Most of us know them as the one of the only reasons why we didn’t accidently kill somebody or ourselves freshmen year. They were the voice of reason in a parentless world, a shining light of responsibility when the world was dark. Resident Assistants (RAs) were the saving grace for many students in their first year away from home. Whether or not you were close to your RA or even liked your RA, it was their presence in your freshman year that made sure you didn’t go completely off the partying rails. Because of this, I decided that not just one but all the Resident Assistants are my campus celebrities this week.

The subtle support of an RA is invaluable your first year alone in college. From the bulletin boards in the hallways, to the snack nights outside his or her door, your RA’s presence was always felt even if it went unnoticed. Many students become caught up in the chaotic atmosphere of college and an RA can become a stable force. It was their unique balance of being both a mentor and peer that made them so effective.

Being a Resident Assistant is no walk in the park either. According to the University Housing website, most RAs are responsible for about fifty students and are required to live in the housing with the residents. They also have the ever-unpopular job of holding residents to the rules and regulations of University Housing. It becomes their job to make sure all students are following the policies they agreed to when signing their housing contract. And as almost everybody knows, no freshman is a big fan of the rules they agreed too.

While being an RA is no easy road to travel, becoming one can seem to be even harder. Recruitment for Residence Assistants begins in November of the school year and interviews last throughout late January. Potential employees have to complete an application, go through a group interview process, and have a reference form turned in weeks before the interview process even occurs. Even after completing the application and the interview process, applicants are still not guaranteed the job. University Housing does not only select the number of Residents Assistants actually needed but they also create an alternate list full of potential RAs that can fill in at anytime if an RA can no longer perform his or her duties.

So, I applaud you Residents Assistants at Florida State University. It is no easy feat to say you somewhat controlled multiple wild freshmen at (according to some list) the number one party school in the nation. While I could not make just one of you my celebrity of the week, I decided to give the whole bunch of you the honor. Each one of you has made a difference in the halls that you live, even if it was just free candy during finals week or a smile in passing. So I hope you view this article as a thank you from me (and I hope all college students) for being there in our most annoying state — the college freshman. And for those Resident Assistants living in upperclassman housing, thank you for dealing with us when we think we’re too old for an RA’s help. You are the unrecognized champions of FSU, don’t ever change, and stay strong.

Most information mentioned here can be found at http://www.housing.fsu.edu/Employment/RA

Malory is an overachieving free spirit with a severe pasta addiction who is trying to change the world. Interest include human rights, coffee, and bad TV.Location: Underwater 
Her Campus at Florida State University.