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Relay for Life’s Maggie Helmus Sheds Light on Great Cause

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Maggie Helmus

Year: Junior

Hometown: Wellington, Florida

Major: Political Science and Business

Courtesy: Maggie Helmus

Her Campus (HC): For those that don’t know much about Relay for Life, can you give our readers a give a quick summary of what the event is?

Maggie Helmus (MH): Of course! Relay is a year-long fundraising and awareness raising event. It goes on the entire year and culminates to our big all night event in the spring. We raise money for all types of cancer and the money goes to all the different types of cancer research and American Cancer Society programs, such as the Hope Lodge and Road to Recovery. It then concludes in a one-night event and is very special because it actually has a meaning. The sun setting simulates finding out you have cancer, and going into the darkness of the night and treatment. The sun rising is a metaphor for coming out on the other side, winning the battle with cancer and seeing the light of a new day.

HC: That sounds so beautiful! And what exactly happens on the day of the event here at FSU?

MH: On the day of the event teams set up their own sites, all decorated with and set up with whatever activity they decided on. Throughout the night we have different ceremonies, as well as events to get you pumped during those tough hours. Rave hour is great, as well as Zumba. Basically this night is a time for us all to come together, reflect, and have some fun!

HC: And what do you do for Relay for Life?

MH: I’m on the Executive Committee as PR Chair under the Marketing family. I’m the girl to get the word out. I’m currently trying to get us on the jumbotron during the football games, and get us involved in the local community with events like the Fall Festival and Downtown Getdown. I do all of this so we can get everyone aware of what Relay is and hopefully get everybody on board with joining this great cause.

Courtesy: Maggie Helmus

HC: Since you’re trying to get people to join this amazing cause, how did you know that you wanted to be involved in Relay for Life?

MH: I heard about Relay in high school, a lot of my close friends participated in it. I never partook but one of my best friends freshman year here at FSU was involved, so I figured she would appreciate some coffee brought to her during the long event. As soon as I got there I loved it. It was beautiful to see a bonding experience between so many students. It was one of those moments when you’re truly proud to be a Florida State Seminole.

HC: It was meant to be! Do you have any goals for Relay?

MH: We’re trying to raise 300,000 dollars. But for my personal goals, I really want to get us on the jumbotron because seeing us up there during a game at Doak would be amazing! And I would like to raise 800 dollars, but really 1000 dollars is what I really want to get to!

Courtesy: Maggie Helmus

HC: It sounds like you’re really passionate about this organization. Are you involved in another things outside of Relay?

MH: I’m the President of National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), in Lady Spirithunters, and just trying to balance everything out.

HC: What do you like to do in your spare time?

MH: When I do have free time, I do like going to Rez, to Landis and I take spinning classes to have some time for myself. And I love hanging out with my friends, I’m kind of like the mom. I love to bake!

HC: What are some of your favorite restaurants here in Tallahassee?

MH: For junk food, Gumbys. For a more healthy option, I would go to Piteria and get a salad to make myself feel healthy, but I’ll still get the pita fries on the side because they are the greatest things since sliced bread. 

Anacarla is currently attending her last year at Florida State. Can't live without coffee and her dog. You can follow her on Twitter at @anacarlasanchez
Her Campus at Florida State University.