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Rebecca Koontz: Adventure-Loving Seminole

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Rebecca Koontz

Hometown: Weston, FL

Major: Communication Science and Disorder

Relationship Status: Single

Her Campus (HC): March is all about celebrating women and our story. Who do you consider an influential woman in your life and why?

Rebecca Koontz (RK): Definitely my mom. She’s always been there for me and always knows the right things to say when I need her advice.

HC: What are your short-term goals? Finishing the Mad Men series on Netflix could count as a goal!

RK: Well I’ve been working on finishing season two of House of Cards for about six months now!

HC: What do you ultimately want to achieve after you graduate?

RK: When I graduate, I will hopefully be going to grad school here at FSU and before that I want to travel to Europe.

HC: What would you consider to be an ideal date? Imagine that your celebrity crush was reading your answer so here is your chance to give your celeb crush a foolproof plan!

RK: Ideal date… probably something that’s adventurous like hiking or going to the beach. And of course, it has to include Chipotle!

HC: What made you choose Florida State University?

RK: I did a tour of all the schools I got accepted to [and] when I arrived onto FSU’s campus, I fell in love. I love Tallahassee and the Seminoles. I couldn’t imagine going to school anywhere else.

HC: What is your dream vacation and why?

RK: Going to Greece. It looks so beautiful and I plan on going in the next few years (I hope)!

HC: What is something most people will find surprising to know about you?

RK: Most people don’t know [this], but I actually love to read. I’ve read all the books in the Harry Potter series.

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

RK: Definitely Adam Levine!

HC: Are you involved in any organizations on campu and if so, which organizations?

RK: Yes, I’m currently in the sorority Alpha Chi Omega and [in] Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society.

Recent college graduate from Florida State University who decided to take my ambition to Atlanta!!
Her Campus at Florida State University.