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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Ok, Collegiettes. Let’s all think back and recap our various memories of public displays of affection we wish we hadn’t seen… okay, now let’s begin. From those late Night Nole rides to simply when you’re walking to class, you can see some shocking sights. I will say, you should expect to see some PDA while on the Night Nole, but on the regular bus route on your way to class at noon? No thank you.

During this specific incident, the bus was at capacity, and these two love birds were sitting across the aisle from each other. For one, how awkward is it to be leaning across the aisle to give your sweetie a smooch, but how about when the bus driver hits the breaks and the people your leaning in between jolt forward? Then, it’s no longer actually uncomfortable for just you, but for the male or female who just got a face smashed into a very personal area. Now while I am hoping this specific couple I am discussing has already learned their lesson, I think we can all use a reminder on how there is an appropriate time and place for everything.

So when is PDA acceptable? For those single ladies out there, their answer would probably be never, but to be realistic, it’s rare.  Here’s a list of three times that it is:

1. Holding hands on the way to class:  On your way anywhere, holding hands with your campus cutie is totally acceptable, especially as the air gets colder.

2. Quick peck before parting ways: Really though, for those of you who have time to put a full French kiss on your significant other, you need a life (or maybe I’m just jealous you’re not sprinting to class everyday like I am). Even if you do have this time, it is still inappropriate. Nobody wants to see that tongue action! Keep it short and sweet and spare us all.

3.  Cuddling on Landis: This is probably the only times where cuddling is acceptable. When I say cuddling, I should probably be a little more specific. Spooning in the grass? Not ok. Sitting next to each other with his arms around her however, is totally fine. In these next few months, take a blanket and cuddle under the stars while sipping hot chocolate. Doesn’t that sound nice?

So next time you’re wondering whether you should lay it on your boyfriend or not, error to the side of caution.  It’s always best to leave him wanting more, so keep things rated PG and leave the awkward PDA to someone else. If you do happen to catch them in the act, I highly recommend snapping a pic and sending it to every ‘Noles favorite twitter account: @seminolemakeout . For those of you who have never discovered this social gem, I highly suggest you check it out. You might even find something you don’t remember!

Find me on twitter at @EmilyCBland and let me know what you want to hear about next!

 Emily Bland is an undergraduate student at Florida State University studying Editing, Writing and Media. Born and raised for much of her life in the sunshine state, Emily can’t wait to explore what the world has to offer. She plans on studying abroad and eventually moving to Washington D.C. In her spare time Emily enjoys experimenting in the kitchen with her latest pinterest finds, writing flash fiction and poetry, and submerging herself in fashion magazines. Emily has a special interest in public administration and hopes to one day make an impact on politics in the media. Find her on twitter at @EmilyCBland .
Kalie Marsch is a senior at Florida State University majoring in Editing, Writing and Media within the College of English. She aspires to work in magazine publishing and editing in the future, and lives for New York Fashion Week. When she's not busy with work or school, she loves to shop, read magazines and online style blogs, sit down with a good book, or go to the gym. She is obsessed with New York City and plans to move there after graduating from college. Kalie also loves being involved on campus and meeting new people. She is super excited to work with Her Campus and looks forward to helping make the FSU chapter the best it can be!