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Meet Jack Clifford: Media Specialist for the English Department at FSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Jack Clifford is the media specialist for the English Department at Florida State University (FSU). I am a current intern of his for the department, and I write, edit and publish articles for the news page. This interview will provide English majors at FSU with more information from Jack about his position and how to become a potential intern for upcoming semesters. 

Her Campus (HC): Can you tell me about yourself and your position at Florida State University?

Jack Clifford (JC): I am a Media Specialist for the Department of English. In addition, I am an internship supervisor for undergraduate students who work with the department. I help these students write and edit articles and keep our social media feed updated.  

I have worked in the department since October 2001—yay, 20 years! I graduated from the University of Oregon, and I apologize for the Jan. 1, 2015 Rose Bowl, when the Ducks trounced the Seminoles. 

HC: What do you enjoy most about working for the English Department?

JC: My bias is obvious in this answer, but the faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students and department staff members are the best on campus. The department is an intellectual and academic hub for research, critical thinking and creative exploration into many different and necessary areas of study. The range of knowledge and teaching in the department is phenomenal, covering history, theory, culture, society and more subjects that are essential to understanding humanity. In my opinion, the environment in this department is unsurpassed by any other on campus. 

I also enjoy collaborating with undergraduates in the internship program. They are bright, curious, hardworking and want to understand the present while working toward building a more hopeful future. I learn so much from the students in this department, and I appreciate that many students I work with stay in touch with me after they graduate to update me on their careers and lives. Finally, Mom and Pop’s Hot Dog Stand is located next to the Williams Building, and Carrie Woodson is awesome. 

Headshot of Jack Clifford
Sofia Cabrera

HC: What advice would you give students who intern for the English Department?

JC: Enter the writing and editing internship program with your curiosity and creativity valves turned to high. This particular internship can be what you make of it in terms of how much writing you want to do and what topics you want to cover. Yes, some assignments stem from faculty and student accomplishments, but the features and profiles you write can be based on your own experiences with the department.  

I recommend that either before, during or after your internship, students take advantage of writing for one of the many campus publications. Previous writing experience helps you in the internship and being part of a publication team opens your eyes to real-world journalism environments. 

HC: What are some of the benefits as an intern for the department?

JC: Based on feedback I hear from students, one of the most important benefits is learning about journalism in a more professional setting. You will have interactions with professors, graduate students and undergraduates that you likely cannot access otherwise. Learning more about the way an academic department works has been eye-opening for previous interns. In addition, I connect students to journalists working in the field and in all areas of publishing. Journalists of all ages want to inspire students to become professionals at their craft, and they are happy to speak about the available opportunities. 

Also, I like to bring Donut Kingdom donuts and other snacks to our meetings, so there is that.

Thank you, Jack, for participating in this Q&A. Students can find out more information about the internship program that is part of the English Department at FSU by speaking with Jack or visiting the FSU English website.

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Hi everyone! My name is Sofia Cabrera, and I am majoring in English and double minoring in education and hospitality management at Florida State University. As someone who is passionate for writing, I hope to use this platform as a way to share my experiences and have others learn about things that interest me and have influenced my life.