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Alejandra Gancedo: Connecting with Her Cuban Roots as CABA President

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Florida State University (FSU) Law’s Cuban American Bar Association (CABA) has become Alejandra Gancedo’s home away from home for the past three years. Alejandra is a proud double ‘Nole who graduated in 2019 with her bachelor’s degree, and in the spring semester, she will receive her Juris Doctorate degree from Florida State University. As a Miami resident, Alejandra chose CABA at FSU Law because it reflects her Cuban American background. Today, she is the President of CABA and shares all the opportunities that this organization has given to her. 

Her Campus (HC): Can you tell me about yourself and your involvement in FSU Law’s Cuban American Bar Association? 

Alejandra Gancedo (AG): I am from Miami, Florida, and graduated with degrees in Political Science and English Literature from Florida State University in 2019. I am currently a graduating 3L at Florida State University College of Law, so I am a proud double ‘Nole! I am the President of FSU Law’s Cuban American Bar Association (CABA), which has the goal of providing both educational and networking opportunities for students interested in practicing in South Florida. Our CABA chapter hosts a variety of events for our members throughout the school year, including presentations by influential leaders in the legal community, an annual Florida Supreme Court Tour, and our Miami-Dade Days Reception. Our Miami-Dade Days Reception is an opportunity for students to network with the Miami-Dade legal community during Miami-Dade Days at the Florida Capitol. As such, CABA provides an opportunity for our members to begin developing important relationships prior to practice while becoming involved at FSU Law!

HC: What made you get involved in CABA and what advice can you give for students who are interested?  

AG: I was automatically drawn to CABA because I am Cuban-American, yet CABA’s mission inspired me to get involved as a 1L Representative. In my first year of law school, I was chosen to be a 1L Representative for CABA, my second year of law school I was elected secretary and my final year I was elected as president. The advice that I would give to students that are interested in becoming involved with CABA is not to be afraid to run for positions. It could seem daunting to join the election process, but it is truly rewarding to be on the executive board of a student organization you are passionate about!

HC: As president, how has your leadership role prepared you for graduating and becoming an attorney? 

AG: My leadership role as president has prepared me for practice as an attorney. One of the most valuable skills a lawyer can have is to work effectively in a team while also guiding that team toward common goals. My role as President of CABA has equipped me with the tools necessary to be successful in my practice while forming valuable relationships along the way.

HC: What will you miss most about CABA and what vision do you have for CABA’s future?

AG: CABA has provided me with a “home away from home” at FSU Law! Our members refer to our student organization as the “CABA Familia” and I will miss my CABA family the most. It is my hope that the next executive board continues to keep many of our CABA events and traditions alive while creating new and exciting opportunities for our members. My vision for CABA’s future, therefore, is that our student organization continues to thrive on FSU Law’s campus!

Alejandra, thank you for reflecting on your journey as not only a member of CABA, but also as president. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and never forget that FSU is your home away from home. Go ‘Noles!

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Hi everyone! My name is Sofia Cabrera, and I am majoring in English and double minoring in education and hospitality management at Florida State University. As someone who is passionate for writing, I hope to use this platform as a way to share my experiences and have others learn about things that interest me and have influenced my life.