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A One Night Stand You Won’t Forget: Relay for Life at FSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Ellise Grizio is a junior at Florida State who serves as the Panhellenic Recruitment Chair for Relay for Life. Her job is to bring together each of the Greek Life chapters on campus to be involved in their annual charity event. FSU Relay For Life fundraises and builds awareness for the American Cancer Society throughout the year by hosting numerous different events with the goal to obtain as many donations as possible.

Her Campus (HC): Can you describe exactly what Relay For Life is?

Ellise Grizio (EG): Relay For Life is a segment of the American Cancer Society (ACS) that partners with high schools, colleges and other organizations within different communities to raise money for the fight against cancer. This money funds cancer research, transportation for the cancer patients, and provides assistance for families who are coping with having a loved one with cancer. The term ‘Relay For Life’ is named after Dr. Gordon Klatt, who walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington in 1985 to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

HC: What made you want to get involved with this organization?

EG: Growing up I had many friends whose parents or grandparents had been affected by cancer. Some had simply lost their hair due to radiation treatments while others were not so fortunate. Seeing the toll this took on my friends inspired me to join an organization that is passionate about putting an end to this disease. After doing Relay for almost seven years, I learned that my own grandmother was in need of radiation for pancreatic and lung cancer. Despite this news, I somehow felt even more empowered to make a difference within the FSU community to help raise as much money as possible for those who are fighting for their lives.

HC: What is the most rewarding aspect about Relay For Life?

EG: The most rewarding part about Relay is seeing how much the Tallahassee community can come together to show their love and support for those who have been made a victim to cancer. It is such an amazing feeling to know that no matter what differences people have that they all can join as one in union for a common purpose. We work extremely hard to raise as much money as we can and seeing that number at the end of our main event just shows how much our work can make a difference in people’s lives.

HC: When and where will the main event take place?

EG: The event will be on April 1 at the old IM fields from 12 p.m.-12 a.m. The time and location could be subject to change.

HC: How can those not involved directly with Relay For Life still contribute to the cause?

EG: Donations! The simplest way people can get contribute to our event is by donating money. All the money raised goes directly to the ASC. To those who are involved in organizations around campus, I highly encourage you to join your organization’s Relay team. If you are not involved around campus, you can still create your own team to raise money through this website.

HC: What has being a part of Relay For Life taught you?

EG: Relay For Life has taught me how to cherish every moment with the people you love because you really never know when your last moment with someone could be.

Relay For Life is a great way to get involved on campus and make a difference. If you are interested in learning more you can check out their Instagram

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A typical FSU student studying Psychology. Lover of matcha, crystals, sunflowers, books, and Phoebe Bridgers. <3