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A Day in the Life: Abroad and in Florence With Sandra Kiggen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

One of the many great opportunities to take advantage of at Florida State University (FSU) is the study abroad program. FSU offers broad curriculum programs and specific curriculum programs all around the world. For a semester or a summer, you can go to Panama, Italy, Spain or England! If you are looking for something more short-term, you can do a spring break trip and visit places like Costa Rica, Croatia, Switzerland and so many more cool places.

In the spring of 2022, freshman Sandra Kiggen, decided to go to Florence, Italy. Kiggen joined the first semester abroad program. This program allows students that got deferred or are from out of state to go abroad and then join the university spring semester with in-state tuition.

Kiggen explains, “The application process was pretty easy. I chose where I wanted to go, paid the deposit and got my acceptance a couple of days later. After I got my acceptance, I had to get my vaccines, documents and my plane ticket. I found my roommate on Patio, we texted a couple of times, picked a room and now we’re here.”

When asked why she chose Italy, Kiggen responded, “I’m half Italian and I’ve always loved visiting my family in Italy during the summers, so it was an easy decision. I also wanted the opportunity to better my Italian and what better way to do that than spending a whole semester around Italians and my family.”

The semester abroad not only offers an experience of a lifetime living in a foreign country for three months, but it also gives you chances for day excursions, and you can go on other trips to countries nearby. Kiggen’s travel endeavors didn’t stop in Italy. She has also been to Naples and Cinque Terre, and during her fall break, she will be experiencing the unique culture of Amsterdam.

“My favorite thing thus far has been that I’ve made a lot of friends. You’re with these 20 people for three months in a foreign place so you all become pretty good friends,” Kiggen shares. “I’ve also met people outside my program who live in Florence or are in a different abroad program through another school.”

Italy is known for its art, music, and culture. All things that should be taken advantage of while studying abroad, which Kiggen has. “I’ve definitely tapped more into my Italian side while I’ve been here, and I love it. The culture and the art that I’m getting to experience are something I probably will never be able to experience again. And obviously the food, the food is amazing, such as the endless pasta and late-night pizza to satisfy all your carb cravings,” says Kiggen.

Studying abroad is educating and enlightening, but it can be nerve-wracking. Some are leaving their parents for the first time, and some are leaving the country for the first time. Either way, it’s a big change.

Kiggen shares, “I wasn’t so much nervous of the leaving aspect just because I’m from Italy and have been many times. What I was worried about is friends, I was nervous me and my roommate wouldn’t get along or that I wouldn’t make a good group of friends, but that hasn’t been the case and I’m having a lot of fun.”

Kiggen kept emphasizing how much she recommends the program because of the opportunities it allows. You get to travel, experience a different culture, learn about art and music and get to expand your knowledge of a language.

All good things must come to an end, and come January, Kiggen will be back on a flight to Florida. She’ll begin her spring semester at the Tallahassee campus with all her experiences in tow.

“I am honestly really sad about leaving and don’t want to think about it. However, I know Tallahassee has so many great opportunities to offer they just won’t have the same quality pasta. All jokes aside, I’m excited to get back to my family and friends and start my college journey on the FSU campus.”

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Hi!!! I'm Sam, I'm a freshman at Florida State. I joined HerCampus to connect with people, make friends, and write interesting stuff. I'm from Tampa but my family is Venezuelan so naturally I love the beach and listening to Bad Bunny.