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Why My Go-to Movie Genre Is Always Historical Romance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

When it comes to movies, I am a historical romance lover above all else. The genre has everything a girl could ever need: grandeur, hot love stories, an eye-pleasing aesthetic, and most importantly, a break from reality. While some people may find the plot of historical romances to be slow and uninteresting, I must beg to disagree. Here’s why historical romances will always be my choice when it comes to movie night.

I know I can’t be the only one who fantasizes about frolicking through a grand estate’s blooming garden with long skirts billowing behind me. Since that’s certainly not the most realistic dream that I have, I vicariously live through historical romances.

The list could go on from movies like Pride and Prejudice, Tulip Fever, Marie Antoinette, Troy, and Anna Karenina to shows like Bridgerton, Outlander, The Great, and Downton Abbey. I never tire of a great love story set in a time that is not our own.

There’s something about the romantic chivalry of the past that just does not exist today that makes historical romances so appealing to me. The balls with the perfectly choreographed dances, the kissing of hands as a greeting, teatime, and candle-lit dinners, create this undeniable air of romance that I just can’t get enough of. The elegant dresses decorated with embroidery and beads that are made of only the finest materials are divine. Even the more simplistic garments worn by those not of the upper class have an almost whimsical feel to them. Of course, the reality of those not in the upper class during those times was anything but whimsical, but I like to suspend my disbelief when watching.

Part of my love for historical romances stems from my love for history in general. I have no shame in saying that I am most assuredly a history buff. Historical romances, for me, are the best of both worlds. Not only am I getting my history fix, but my inner romantic is also satisfied by the juicy love plotlines. Marie Antoinette and The Great, mentioned previously, take real-life historical events, with some liberties, and amp up the original story by adding steamy romance that has me kicking my feet and squealing with excitement every time I watch. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good historical documentary about true events, but there’s just something about historical romances that aren’t quite true stories that will always be a favorite of mine.

What separates historical romances from regular romance movies, for me, is the fact that they feel more fantastical. And while the time difference may be vast, you’re still watching two people who exist in the same type of world that we do fall in love with each other. In this way, you are simultaneously removed from current reality but still rooted in earthly human events. Perhaps that is what’s so appealing, the idea that a romance like the ones shown in these movies is both so incredibly real, and also very far removed from current times.

Historical romance movies may not be for everyone, but they certainly are for me. Ask me for a great romance movie recommendation, and you can bet it’s going to be one from that genre. I am not the only girl out there that loves a good historical romance. There are whole internet followings geared toward obsessing over the absolutely heart-throbbing genre. If you are a romance lover and have not yet entered the world of historical romance, I strongly encourage you to give it a try. Trust me when I say this, this genre is definitely something to obsess over.

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Arianna is a senior majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media and minoring in Political Science at FSU. When not writing or working on school work, she enjoys hikes with her dog, reading, and spending time with friends and loved ones. She looks forward to sharing her writing with you all!