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Reconnecting With Nature: My Favorite Outdoor Spots as an FSU Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Do you ever have one of those chaotic weekends where by the end of it you feel like you need another break just to reconnect with nature? Well, I definitely do. Being in college, sometimes I find it hard to prioritize spending time outside and getting some Vitamin D. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my past two and a half years as a student, it’s that I need nature excursions to keep myself sane and productive in my studies. Whether I’m drained on a Sunday from going out the night before or just have a craving to destress in the outdoors, taking a walk on a trail, setting a blanket down and reading or simply taking in some natural scenery always does the trick. Throughout my Florida State University (FSU) journey so far, I’ve compiled a substantial collection of nature spots that have become my go-to places in these moments.

San luis mission Park

San Luis Mission Park has been a go-to place for me to get a nice fix of the outdoors since my sophomore year. The location on Tennessee Street happens to be extremely convenient for me since I luckily live only five minutes down the road. This park is a cute little mixture of mini trails and beautiful views surrounding a lake in the center of the park. It’s usually on the quieter side, so it’s a great spot to be left alone with your thoughts and forced to think things over. The trails aren’t super long, so you won’t break a sweat when taking a stroll through the pretty scenery. This is definitely my top pick for a short trip to enjoy mother nature when I’m on a time crunch.

Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park

If you’re an FSU student, you’ve probably seen photos of Alfred B. Maclay Gardens circulating around your social media feed a few times. This is my absolute favorite place to go when I want a nature day or am wanting to go walking with friends. The garden has several different routes that take just about an hour or two to complete, which is the perfect amount of time for an outing with friends. The brick roads take you through heavy greenery areas, stunning lake views and even open fields with a clear view of the sky. In the most popular section of the park, there is a stunning setup of a rectangular reflection pool with greenery arches surrounding it, looking out at a breathtaking view of the lake. Straight out of a fairytale, this area is pictured and shared all over social media and is my personal favorite place for a photo shoot or finding creative inspiration.

Alligator Point

Got to have a beach on here somewhere! Alligator Point is a little more of a trek than the other locations I have on here, but trust me, the drive is worth it. It’s just about an hour’s drive away from campus, but it’s a beautiful one, especially around sunset time. My friends and I find an excuse once it hits spring and summer to go here as often as we can, and we always have the best time. The beach is big and isn’t usually super crowded, which is good for finding spots to lay all your stuff out. I’ve had some of my favorite spring and summer memories at this beach and can confidently say you’ll achieve those summer beach vibes we’re all starting to crave in Tallahassee.

The FSU Lakefront park

Of course, I had to put FSU’s Lakefront Park & Outdoor Center on here. This is such a great spot for FSU students to get outside and have a little taste of all things nature. I love going out on the paddle boards and kayaks with friends on the lake and picnicking out at the tables after we’ve worked up an appetite. It satisfies my desire for trees, trails, water activities and beaches all in one. You can also often catch food trucks set up or special events, which only adds to the fun. A day here by myself or with friends has consistently proved to be a good time. 

Being in college, I do find it hard to pick myself up and get outside, but I always must remind myself of how good it makes me feel and how much fun it always is. These spots are all sure to fulfill my different outdoor cravings and have never let me down when I needed them. Truthfully, I was at a few of these places this past week, and I’ll probably find myself at one of these spots again after next weekend. Especially with spring approaching in full swing, I’m sure I’m going to start visiting these spots much more in the coming weeks. At this point in the semester, I think we’re all ready to get our nature on. 

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Olivia is pursuing a BA in English- Editing, Writing, and Media with a minor in Retail Operations at Florida State University.